P. DeM 32
Other nos.: -
Description: Three papyrus fragments (A, B, C), one of which 3.8 x 6.7 cm. All fragments inscribed on one side(?), A 4 lines, B 3 lines, C 2 lines. Black ink except dates in A 2 and B 1, which are red. Damaged, beginnings of lines on A, B and C lost, ends of lines on A and C lost, only traces of A 1, 3, B 3, C 1.
Classification: journal : absence - name
Keywords: inactivity
Provenance: Fragments formerly in Černý's possession, together with a number of fragments of Greek papyri, and found back by him 08-10-1943 according to a note of his. He did not remember the provenance, but he thought it likely that this was Deir el-Medina. Now in the Griffith Institute, Oxford?
Publication: Černý, Papyrus Deir El Medineh II, 6, pl. 22 (description, transcription) ; Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 118-119, 159 (description, commentary)
Dates mentioned: [...] sw 10 + x (A 1?); [...] Smw sw 16-17 (A 3); [...] sw 4 + x (B 1?)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19(?); see Remarks ; late years Seti II to Siptah (Collier)
Contents: Fragments of a journal recording workmen's names and absences.
Terminology: aHa n NN (A ~3#, ~4#; C ~2#); m hrw pn (B 1); Hr a.wy Hr.y=f (A ~2#; B ~2#)
Names/Titles: an. ( Hr.y=f ; A ~2#; B ~2#) ; 1Ay (A 3); 2Am (C 2); Ks sA aA-pH.t.y (A ~2#; B ~2#) DAMAGED 2ai-m-[...] (A ~2#)
Remarks: Fragment B, line 1: sign preceding m hrw pn is date "4". Date(s) attributed: proper names suggest late Dyn. 19; type of information more or less similar to P. Greg and P. Berlin P 14448-14485; for the latter see H. Fischer-Elfert, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium , 101, 107 .

Record last updated 2011-07-08

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