P. J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, 83.Al.46 no. 1
Other nos.: LRL 15; P. Phillipps
Description: Papyrus sheet, 32.5 x 21.5 cm. Complete. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 17 lines on the recto and 11 lines on the verso. A lacuna at the beginning of recto 17 was evidently already present when the papyrus was written. Slight damage caused by the folds and at the end of verso 11, the address at the bottom of the verso. Corrections by the scribe in verso lines 2 and 6.
Classification: letter
Keywords: boat - document - message - offering - servant - weaponry
Provenance: Acquired from the collection of T. Fitzroy Fenwick Esq. Originally "acquired by sale in auction (no. 582 auction Catalogue) by Evans on July 21 and two following days, 1831".
Publication: Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , IX and XVI (description), 28-30 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 90-91 (photographs); Scalf, Barr and Cole, in: New Kingdom Hieratic Collections I, 356-358 (photograph of recto, description, commentary); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 47-49 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 196-197 no. 318 (translation).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 10 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI ( Scalf, Barr and Cole, Wente)
Contents: A letter to the N ecropolis scribe 9Hwty-ms (who is on a mission southwards with his superior the General) from the prophet of Amen hotep Imn-Htp sA Imn-nxt , urging him to take care from the dangers of war and telling him all his relations are praying for his safe return. In a separate note the necropolis scribe Bw-th-Imn also tells him he is praying for his safe return and that he expects a personal letter from him. See Remarks.
Terminology: iw=s n NN (verso 11); NN n NN m anx wDA snb m Hs.w.t (recto 1-2); r rdi.t am=k (recto 16-~17#; vs. 7); r Dd (recto 14; verso 8); hAb (recto 16; verso 7); Hna Dd (recto 10); Sa.t (recto 10; verso 7, 8); ky Dd n NN (verso 4)
Names/Titles: an. ( nA nTr.w n pA tA nty tw=k im=f ; verso 4-5); an. ( nA xmn.y.w aA.w Sps.w Dr.w ; deities; recto ~4#-5); an. ( nAy=k rmT.w ; verso 9); an. ( nAy=k sn.w Dr.w m aHA.w m s.t Hm.t m mit.t ; verso 2-3); an. ( nswt anx wDA snb ; recto 7); an. ( pA im.y-r mSa pAy=k nb ; recto 9); an. ( pAy=n it ; recto 14); an. ( pAy=f bAk ; verso 6); Imn (deity; recto 9); Imn THn nfr (deity; recto 7); Imn 9ma (deity; recto 6); Imn-ns.t.y-tA.wy (deity; verso 3, 5); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto 2; nb ns.ty tA.wy xnty Ip.t-4w.t ; recto 3); Imn-Htp anx wDA snb (deity; recto 7, 16); Imn-Htp sA Imn-nxt ( Hm-nTr n Imn-Htp n pA 2r Sps.y ; recto 1-2); Itmw nb-tA.wy Iwn.w (deity; recto 4); Bw-th-Imn ( sS n pA 2r ; verso 4); PA-by (verso 1); PA-Ra-1r-Ax.t.y deity; recto ~3#-4); PA-Hr-n-tA-HA.t-nxt (verso 2); Pn-ns.t.y-tA.wy (verso 1); Pn-tA-wmt.t (verso 1); Nfr.t-ir.y anx wDA snb (f.; deity; recto 7); 1w.t-1r Hnw.t Imn.t.t (f.; deity; recto 6); 1r-n-Imn-pna-n=f (verso 1-2); 2ft-Hr-nb=s anx wDA snb (f.; deity; recto, 5, 8); 3nmw (deity; recto 4); 4DaA (verso 2); 7ry ( sS n pA 2r aA Sps.y ; verso ~11#); 9Hwty-ms ( sS n pA 2r aA Sps.y n HH.w rnp.w.t n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto 1)
Remarks: Contents: this letter was written by Bw-th-Imn whose handwriting is clearly recognizable.

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