P. Leiden I 370 | |
Other nos.: | LRL 05; P. Leiden inv. no. AMS 38b |
Description: | Papyrus sheet, 24 x 21 cm. Complete. Recto V/H, verso H/V. Top recto = bottom verso. In black ink 18 lines of writing on the recto and 19 lines on the verso. Several gaps in the papyrus have caused some loss of writing in lines 4, 10, 13, 15 and 18 of the recto and lines 13-18 of the verso. Corrections by the scribe in recto 3 and verso 3 and 8. No address. |
Classification: | letter |
Keywords: | agriculture - boat - cattle - commissioning - document - donkey - field - grain - granary - house - illness - inundation - junior - message - offering - place - stone-work - storehouse - term - textile - tree - vessel - village - wood - woodwork - Dabw - a.t sbAy.t |
Provenance: | Acquired by the RMO museum in 1828 with the collection of G. d'Anastasi formed in Thebes around 1818. |
Publication: | Černý, Late Ramesside Letters , VIII (description), 9-11 (transcription); Janssen, Late Ramesside Letters and Communications , pls. 66-67 (photographs); Leemans, Aegyptische hieratische Papyrussen , pls. 181-182 (facsimile); Raven, in: Deir el-Medina in the Third Millennium AD , 302, pl. XLIV (description; photograph of recto); H.D. Schneider, M.J. Raven and J. Harvey, Life and Death under the Pharaohs : Egyptian Art from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands , Perth, 1997, 90 , no. 127 (description, translation and colour photographs) ; Spiegelberg, Correspondances , 39-42 (transcription); Wente, Late Ramesside Letters , 27-31 (translation and commentary); Wente, Letters , 180-181 no. 297 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | Late dyn. 20 (Černý); year 6 of wHm ms.w.t of Ramesses XI (Wente) |
Contents: | A message from the necropolis scribe 9Hwty-ms (who is journeying north of Thebes) to his son the scribe Bw-th-Imn and the chantress of Amon 5d-m-dwA.t concerning various household and agricultural matters. They are to take special care for the little children, the soldiers and the men in the field. The joung boys should not cease studying. Special attention is to be given also to the daughter of 2nsw-ms . Finally the sender asks them to pray to Amon to remove the illness he is suffering from. |
Terminology: | NN n NN m anx wDA snb Hs.w.t (recto 1-2); Hna Dd r nty (recto ~4#); spXr (recto 8, 13); sS (verso 5); Sa.t (verso 11) |
Names/Titles: | an. ( nA aDd.w Sri.w ; verso 1, 5); an. ( nA wHa.w ; recto 12); an. ( nA mDAy.w ; recto 13); an. ( nA rmT ; recto ~18#); an. ( nA rmT mSa ; verso 3); an. ( nA rmT nty m pAy=i pr ; verso 6); an. ( nA rmT nty m sx.t ; verso 3-4); an. (f.; nAy=s aDd.w Sri.w ; of 5d-m-dwA.t ; verso 12); an. ( nTr nb nTr.t nb ; deities; recto 3); an. (f.; tAy Sri.t n 1m.t-Sri.t ; verso 2); an. (f.; tAy Sri.t n 2nsw-ms ; verso 10-11); an. (f.; tAy=s mna.t ; of tAy Sri.t n 1m.t-Sri.t ; verso 2); Imn (deity; verso 19); Imn-ns.t.y-tA.wy (deity; verso 17); Imn-Ra-nswt-nTr.w (deity; recto 2); Imn-Ra-1r-Ax.t.y (deity; recto 2); Bw-th-Imn ( sS ; recto 1); PA-Ra (deity; verso 10); PA-2r (verso 7); PA-kAmn ( pAy=i sn of 9Hwty-ms ; verso ~17#); PA-tra (verso 13); PA-tS-n-PA-Ra (geo.; verso 10); Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt sA 4bk-nxt ( sS ; recto 14); Ns-Imn ( Sms.w ; recto 5); Ns-Imn sA 9hy ( mni.w ; verso 16); Ns-MnTw (verso 9); 1m.t-Sri.t (f.; mw.t=s ; f.; verso 2; without title verso 11-~12#); 1r (verso 14); 1r.y-Sfy.t ( nTr aA ; deity; recto ~2#); 2nsw-ms (verso 11); 4r-MnTw ( Hr.y-mDAy ; recto 9); 5d-m-dwA.t (f.; Sma.y.t n Imn ; recto ~1#-2; verso 12); 6A-dhn.t-mH.t.y (geo.; verso 13); 6A-ps-s (f.; verso 12); 7Aw-n-mH.y.t-m-Hb ( wab ; recto 7 - written 7Aw-mH.y.t-m-Hb ); 9Hwty nb 2mnw (deity; recto 3); 9Hwty-ms ( sS n pA 2r aA Sps.y ; recto 1) |
Remarks: |