P. Turin Cat. 1898 + P. Turin Cat. 1937 + P. Turin Cat. 2094/244 | |
Other nos.: | P. Chabas-Lieblein no. 1; Giornale 3; Turin Necropolis Journal, year 3; Giornale pl. 50-63; P. Turin Cat. 1926; see Remarks |
Description: | Papyrus, ca. 40 x 160 cm (not counting the gaps between fragments). Black and red ink, recto seven columns: recto I 25 lines (with blank space between lines 4 and 5), recto II 27 lines (recto II 1 is probably the continuation of recto I 1), recto III 28 lines, recto IV 25 lines (and 17 lines of older text; see below), recto V (preceded by a broad margin) 24 lines (plus additional lines a and b, a extending over recto V and VI), recto VI 17 lines, recto VII 28 lines. Verso dockets a-d horizontal lines: a 10 lines, b 7 lines, c 4 lines, d 4 lines; docket e 1 line perpendicular with respect to a-d. Additional horizontal line on fragment 2094/244. Verso texts on the back of recto V-VII; back of recto I-IV empty. Top recto = top verso. Damaged: beginnings of recto I 1-4, 11-15, 16-19, 21, 23-25, II 1-3(?), 8-27, V 13-23, VI (all lines), VII 1-4, 8-17 and 19-21, verso a 10, b (all lines) and c (all lines) lost (unless verso c 1-4 are the continuation of a 1-4); ends of recto I 1, 4, 11, 12, 14-24, III 27 and 28, IV 11 and 13, V a, 9-12, 14-24, VI 4, 7-12, VII (all lines), verso a 1-4, 7-10, b (all lines), c 2 and 4, d 1 and 2 lost; gaps in recto I 1, 2, 5-25, II 12-15, III 10, 11, 14, V 1-12, 14-17, 20-23, VII 18-25; only traces of recto VI 13 and 17, VII 13 and 14 and verso b 7; unknown number of lines lost between recto VI 12 and 13, and also over and beneath verso b(?). Gap of unknown length between recto IV and V; see Remarks. Palimpsest; part of the original text (17 lines) is preserved between recto IV and V (upside down with respect to present text on recto; see Remarks). |
Classification: | account - journal : delivery - duty - event - labour - transfer |
Keywords: | arrival - boat - cakes - commissioning - construction site - document - feast - firewood - fish - gang - gold - grain - grain rations - granary - inactivity - message - oil - payment - plaster - pottery - sandals - side (of gang) - silver - stone-work(?) (see Remarks) - temple - textile - tomb (private) - tomb (royal) - tools - vegetables - vessel - wood - woodwork - work - working - r-a (?) - smd.t |
Provenance: | Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45). |
Publication: | Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 42-55 and 27-39, pls. c and 50-63 (photographs, transcription, translation, commentary); Beckerath, SAK 21 (1994), 29-33 (transcription and translation of verso dockets a and c; commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 541-554, 561 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 687-699, 850 and 851 (transcription); Lieblein, Chabas, Deux papyrus hiératiques , 4-41, pls. I-IV (facsimile and translation of recto I-IV, commentary); Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 88-104 (translation of recto and verso d, e; commentary); see Remarks |
Dates mentioned: | [...] pr.t sw 24 (recto I ~1#); III pr.t sw 13 + x (recto I 1); [...] pr.t sw 26 (recto I ~2#); [...] pr.t sw 17 (recto I 4 - sic; for [...] pr.t sw 27?); III pr.t sw 1-21 (recto I 5, 5, ~5#, ~5#, 6, ~6#, ~6#, 8, ~8#, 8, ~9#, ~9#, ~9#, 10, ~10#, ~10#, ~10#, ~11#, ~12#, ~12#, ~14#); III pr.t sw 23-24 (recto I ~14#, ~15#); III pr.t sw 26-30 (recto I ~15#, ~15#, 17#, ~18#, ~19#); IV pr.t sw 1-2 (recto I ~19#, ~20#); IV pr.t sw 4-5 (recto I 21#, ~22#); IV pr.t sw 9-10 (recto I 24, ~25#); IV pr.t sw 12 (recto I ~25#); IV pr.t sw 16-30 (recto II ~4#, 4, 4, ~5#, 5, ~6#, 6, 6, ~7#, 7, ~11#, 11, ~12#, 12, ~14#); I Smw sw 2-30 (recto II ~15#, ~16#, 17, 18, 18, 20, 20, 20, 20, ~22#, ~22#, 22, ~23#, 23, 24, 24, 24, ~25#, 25, 25, 25, 25, ~26#, ~26#, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27); II Smw sw 1-30 (recto III 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, ~6#, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 23, 24, 25-26); III Smw sw 1-10 (recto IV 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 20, 20, 22, 22, 22); I Ax.t sw 1 (recto V a); II Ax.t (recto V a); rnp.t-sp 3 III Smw sw 11-22 (recto V ~1#, ~2#, 3, ~4#, 4, ~5#, 6, ~7#, 7, ~7#, ~8#, ~9#); III Smw sw 24-30 (recto V 14, ~14#, ~15#, ~15#, ~16#, ~17#, 17#); IV Smw sw 1-6 (recto V 18, 19 ( Ipip ), 19, 20, ~22#, 22); IV Smw sw 8 (recto V ~23#); III [...] (recto V 24); IV Smw sw 11 (recto VI 3); IV Smw sw 16 (recto VI ~10#?); IV Smw [...] (recto VII ~2#); IV Smw sw 30 (recto VII 4); epagomenal day 1 (recto VII ~5#?); epagomenal day 3-5 (recto VII 6, 7, ~7#); I Ax.t sw 1-2 (recto VII [8], 8); I Ax.t sw 6 (recto VII 9); I Ax.t sw 10 + x (recto VII ~18#); I Ax.t sw 19-20 (recto VII ~20#, ~20#); I Ax.t sw 22-24 (recto VII 22, ~22#, ~22#); I Ax.t sw 26 (recto VII 23); I Ax.t sw 28-29 (recto VII 24, ~24#); II Ax.t sw 2 (recto VII 27); rnp.t-sp 1 I Ax.t sw 20 + x (verso a ~1# ; see Remarks ); III Ax.t sw 30 (verso a 6); rnp.t-sp 3 IV Ax.t (verso d 1); rnp.t-sp 3 (verso e) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20, year 3 Ramesses X ( Beckerath, Botti-Peet, Helck, Kitchen, Schneider), year 1 Ramesses XI ( Beckerath, Helck, Kitchen, Schneider) |
Contents: | Necropolis journal covering the period from II pr.t 24 until II Ax.t 2 of regnal year 3 (of Ramesses X); the entries record work at the royal tomb, inactivity of the gang, deliveries of temple cakes, charcoal, firewood, fish, plaster, pottery and sandals, distribution of grain rations, collecting tools. Inactivity is due to the presence of "foreigners" ( xAs.t.y.w ), and the delay of food supplies. Specific events: a matter between the mayor PA-wr-aA and the high priest of Amun (recto I 1/recto II 1); arrival of the high priest and the scribe (of the vizier) (recto I 16-17); the transport of grain to "the temple" (recto I 18); the doorkeepers are sent to Thebes in order to fetch grain rations (recto II 11); the bringing of a letter from the high priest by the policeman Ns-Imn (the high priest urges the workmen to go to work, but the policeman tells them not to do so; recto II 15-17); the policeman is summoned because of this matter by the necropolis scribe 2a-m-Hd.t and the scribe Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt (recto II 21); working at the tomb of aA-pA-TAw (recto III 1); the mayor PA-wr-aA brings a letter from the vizier (recto III 7); the workmen are brought "down" because of a matter of the smd.t (recto III 14-15); the scribes of the vizier are told that no necropolis personnel is put at their disposal; two workmen say that the vizier has taken some garments and wood belonging to King Ramesses IX (recto III 16-18); the gang are in Thebes in front of "the officials" and the high priest, who does not give them rations; rations are demanded from the scribe of the vizier; the gang are given rations from the temple of Montu(?) (recto III 23 - IV 2, cf. also V 20-21, VI 2-3); two fanbearers are given wooden chests and scrib al equipment(?) ( r-a ?) (recto IV 3-4, cf. V 6-7); work in the tomb of scribe Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt (recto IV 6-7); a special delivery of gold, silver, textile, oil and vegetables (recto IV 8-11); searching for grain rations (recto VI 1, VII 21-22, 24-25). Verso dockets: various deliveries dated to regnal years 3 (of Ramesses X) and 1 (of Ramesses XI?). The older text on the recto includes the description of a statue (see Remarks). |
Terminology: | Abd ? sw ? nfr.y.t Abd ? (recto V a); ii in pA aA 2 (recto I ~16#; see Remarks); iw (verso d 3); iw m Dr.t NN (recto II 7-~8#, IV 8); ir n (recto IV 9, V a, a, a, a, verso a 9); a pA aA-is.t (recto IV 5); a pA sAw (recto V 11); wnmy (recto I ~4#, 7, 11, 12, 14, ~25#, II 3, 8, 10, ~14#, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 26, III 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, IV 15, 18, 25, V 8, 12, 17, 18); wnmy m Dr.t NN (recto VII ~10#(?), verso a ~2#, b ~1#); wnmy r a NN (recto II ~9#?); wHm m Dr.t NN (recto II 10); wsf (recto II 26, 27, III 15, 20, 21, IV 22, 22); wsf tA is.t (recto I ~5#, 6, ~6#, 8, 9, 10, ~10#(?), 10, 12, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, ~23#, ~24#, 25, 25, II 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 11, 11, ~12#, 12, 14, 17, 18, ~19#, 20, 20, 20, ~20#, 22, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, III 4, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 21, ~23#, ~24#, IV 5, V 2, 3, 4, 7, 7, 8, ~9#, ~14#, ~14#, 15, 15, ~16#, 17, ~17#, ~19#, 22, 23, VII 4, 6, 7, 8, ~9#, ~10#, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25); wsf tA is.t r HA.t nA xAs.t.y.w (recto I ~6#, ~8#(?), ~8#, ~9#, ~9#, ~11#, ~14#, ~15#); wsf tA is.t Hr pA di.w (recto I ~17#, ~19#); bAk (recto I 5, 5, II 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 26, 26 - bAk s.t ; recto III 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 8, 14, 18, 20, IV 7, 8, 12, 16, 20, 22, V 4, 5, 6, ~7#(?), VI ~14#(?)); bAk tA is.t (recto III 6); pA wrS n NN (recto III 19); pS=w n tA is.t (recto II 8 - written pS=w tA is.t ?); m Dr.t NN (recto II 5, verso b ~5#?); nty wsf (recto V 5); nty m wsf (recto IV 17); smHy (written sHmy : recto I 4, 7, 22, 23, II 5, 10, ~14#, 19, ~22#, 22, 24, 26, III 8, 10, 11, 13, 18, 20, 23, IV 19, 23 , V ~8# - written sHmy or sHy , 10, 17, ~17#, 19, verso a ~6#); smHy (written sHy : recto I 3, over recto II 26); smHy (abbr.: recto II 8); smHy m Dr.t NN (written sHmy : verso a ~3#, 7); sHn (recto V 4-5); sxA.w (to the right of recto III 11 - red, end of recto III 21 - red, to the right of recto V 2 - red, to the right of recto V 12 - red); Tsy in tA is.t (recto II 16); di.t di.w Abd ? (recto II 27); dmD (recto I 8, VI 8, 11); dmD nA bty (recto V b - written dmD n nA bty ?) Incomplete: [...] a mH (recto V 14?); wsf [...] (recto V 1, 18, 20, VII 8, 23, 24); [...] m Dr.t NN (recto II 20); [...] n wnmy (recto I 22); smHy [...] NN (recto II 9; smHy r a NN ?) |
Names/Titles: | an. (pA idn.w ; recto V 5, ~16#); an. (pA idn.w Snw.t Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; recto III ~27#); an. (pA aA 2; recto I ~16#; see Remarks; recto II 11, VII ~19#?); an. (pA aA n is.t ; recto IV 5 - written aA-is.t ); an. (pA aA n is.t 2; recto V ~9# - written aA-is.t ); an. (wHa ; recto IV 23); an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto IV 21); an. (pA mDAy ; recto II 21, V 14); an. (nA nTr.w m iAb.t.t (?) ; deity; verso a 5; see Remarks); an. (nA rmT ; recto III 15); an. (nA rmT pA 2r ; recto II 13, III 28, VI ~6#(?), VII 26 - rmT pA 2r ); an. (rmT-smd.t ; recto VII ~21#?); an. (Hwty.w ; recto V ~4# - written Hnty.w , 20 - written Hnty.w , VI ~1#?); an. (pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; recto I ~16#, II ~1#, 15-~16#, ~17# - Hm-nTr tp.y n < Imn >, ~21-22#, III 24, VI ~2#); an. (nA Hmw.w ; recto IV 12; pA 6 Hmw.w ; recto V 6); an. (pA Hmt.y ; recto II 18); an. (nA xAs.t.y.w ; recto I 6, 8, ~9#, 9, ~11#, [14], [15]); an. (pA sAw ; recto II 18, V 11); an. (nA smd.t ; recto III 15; nA smd.t pA 2r ; recto I 19, VII ~19#); an. (nA sr.w aAy.w ; recto III 24, 26, 27 - sr.w aAy.w n Niw.t ; V ~21#(?), VI 3); an. (pA sS 2; recto I 17); an. (pA 4 sS-od ; recto IV 17 - specified as PA-im.y-r-pr-HD , PA-nfr , Imn-Htp and On ); an. (nA sS.w n TAty ; recto III 16); an. (pA od ; recto III 13); an. (pA oD ; recto II 22 - doubtful; see Remarks); an. (nA kAr.y.w ; recto VI ~10#?); an. (pA TAy-xwy 2; recto IV 3, V 7 - pA TAy-xwy , sic); an. (TAty ; recto III 17, 28); As.t (deity; f.; epagomenal day; recto VII 7); Iw=f-n-Imn (sS ; verso a 7); Imn-m-Ip.t-nxt (recto I 13 - written Imn-Ip.t-nxt , ~23#, V ~13# - written Imn-Ip.t-nxt (?), VII ~18#?); Imn-nxt (recto III 1, IV 6); Imn-nxt (aA n is.t ; recto IV 6 - written aA-is.t , IV ~10#); Imn-Htp (recto IV 18; cf. pA 4 sS-od ); Imn-xa (sS n TAty ; recto I ~16# - only sS , III 26, 27 - only sS , VI ~9#); aA-pA-TAw (tomb of; recto III 1); aHAw.t.y (verso a 8); aHAw.t.y-nfr (recto II 20 - or aHA-nfr ?); aSA-ix.t (recto I ~23#, V 8); Wa-rs (Hmt.y ; recto IV 8-9); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb (king; recto II 26, VI 7 - chapel of(?)); Wsr-HA.t (sS n pA Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; recto II 13); BAk-n-7A-aA (wHa ; recto I ~12#, ~22# - no title, II 17 - written BAk-n-7A , title wHa-rmw (?), 23 - no title, V 8 - no title, VII 18); PA-im.y-r-pr-HD (recto IV 17 - cf. pA 4 sS-od , V 5; see Remarks); PA-wbx-nw (recto III ~14#(?); see Remarks ); PA-wr-aA (recto II ~1#, III 7 - n Imn.t.t Niw.t ); PA-wxd (wHa ; recto I 21 - no title, 24 - no title, II 3 - no title, ~10# - no title, 19 - no title, III 13 - no title, IV 14, 24 - no title, V ~3# - no title, ~12# - no title, ~18# - no title); PA-nfr (recto IV 17; cf. pA 4 sS-od ); PA-on (recto III 17 - 1Ay PA-onnA , for 1Ay sA OnnA ? See Remarks); Pn-6A-wr.t (wHa ; recto I 23 - no title, II 2, 9, 19 - no title, 23 - no title, III 11 - no title, 21 - no title, IV 13 - no title, V 12 - no title, 18 - no title, VII 11); Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt (recto II ~18#; see Remarks); Pn-tA-Hw.t-nxt (sS ; recto II 21, IV 7, verso d 2); PtH (deity; recto I 5); Mn-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-PtH (king; verso c ~1#); MnTw nb WAs.t (deity; recto IV 1); MnTw-Hr-HA.t=f (recto III 19 - written MnTw-HA.t ); Niw.t (geo.; recto I 21, II 1, 11, III 7, 23, V ~6#(?), 20); Nfr.t-ir.y (deity; f.; recto III 6 - written Nfr-ii ; see Remarks); Nmty-sanx (wHa ; recto II 3 - no title, 19 - no title, III 8-9, V 3 - no title, V ~9#; see Remarks, VII [4]-5, 16); Ns-Imn (mDAy ; recto II ~15#, 16); Ns-Imn (sS n tA Hw.t nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn anx wdA snb ; recto II 7-~8#); nswt Imn-Htp anx wDA snb (deity; recto II 27, V 1); nswt Nfr-kA-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb (king; recto III 17); 1Ay (rmT-is.t ; recto III 16 - 1Ay PA-onnA , for 1Ay sA OnnA ? See Remarks); 1y-nfr (recto II 9); 1r-m-Hb [...] (king; building of(?); recto V 10; see Remarks); 2a-m-WAs.t (TAty ; recto III 7 - written 2a-wAs ); 2a-m-HD.t (sS n pA 2r ; recto II 21, IV 13, verso a ~10#? See Remarks); nswt 2pr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb (king; verso e); 2nsw-ms (sS ; recto V 16); 4tX (deity; epagomenal day; recto VII 6); 4tX-ms (wHa ; recto I 13 - no title, ~20# - no title, II 2 - no title, 9 - no title, 19 - no title, 23 - no title, III 12 - no title, 22 - no title, IV 14, 24 - no title, V 2 - no title, 12 - no title, over 18 - no title); 4d.y (sS ; recto VI 8); OAy-Dr.t (recto III 13, 22); On (recto IV 11, 18; cf. pA 4 sS-od ); On-Hr-xpS=f (wHa ; written OnnA-xpS ; recto II 3 - no title, 10, 19 - no title, ~24#, III 12 - no title, 22 - no title, IV 15 - no title, 25 - no title, V ~3# - no title, ~13# - no title, 18 - no title, VII 17 - no title); OnnA (recto I 8); Ky-sn (recto II 5, 10, VII 28, verso c 4) Incomplete/unclear: [...] -Imn (recto VII 23-24; see Remarks); [...] y (verso c 3; Ony ?); [...] (wHa ; recto V 12?); an. (pA sS n [...]; recto V ~9#?); BAk [...] (recto I 12); PA- [...] (recto VII 3); PA- [...] (in-mw ; recto VII 1); PA-w [...] (recto IV 18?); [...] -ms (recto V 11; see Remarks); [...] -ms ([...] n tA Hw.t ; recto II 15 - or Ms ?); [...] n wnmy (recto I 22); nswt Wsr-mAa.t-Ra [...] (king; recto V 15); [...] Ra (deity, recto I 1(?); see Remarks); [...] (od ; verso a ~2#, ~3#, b ~5#) |
Remarks: | Numbers: recto VII 20-28 was 'New frg. 1926' according to Cern MSS.3.636; perhaps not a Cat. number (cf. Magee, Malek, Checklist , 14)? Description: recto V-VII probably form a separate document according to Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 43 and 44: note the gap of uncertain length between recto IV and V, the older text to the left of recto IV, the ample margin to the right of recto V, and the docket (e) on the back of recto V (not VII!). Description, Contents: for the older text between recto IV and V, see Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 43. Keywords: stone-work on account of wDa (?) inr in recto IV 20; see Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 549: "Steinebrechen", but cf. Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 99: "Teilen/Beurteilen der Steine". Publication: no transcriptions and translations of the older text to the left of recto IV (photographs Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , pls. 56 and 57 ) and of the horizontal line on Cat. 2094/244 verso ( ibid ., pl. c). Dates mentioned: Beckerath, SAK 21 (1994), 31 and 33, reads sw 24 in verso a 1. Terminology: for pA aA [2] in recto I 16, see Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 543; Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 91. Names, Titles: for [...] Ra (?) in recto I 1, see Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 47; cf. Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 89, note 233. For pA aA [2] in recto I 16, see Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 543; Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 91. Nmty-sanx (recto II 3 and elsewhere): Botti-Peet ( Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 49) and Schneider (in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 91) read KA-sanx , but cf. Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 544. Recto II 18 [ Pn-tA- ] Hw.t-nxt : a fisherman according to Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 60. Recto II 22 pA oD "the plasterer" or rather "the plaster" (so Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 50; Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 94)? Cf. Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 545: PA-oADA (proper name). For Nfr-ii (recto III 6) = Nfr.t-ir.y , cf. Van Walsem, in: Gleanings from Deir el-Medina , 225. Recto III 14: PA-wbx-nw ? Cf. "Pawebkhetnu (i)" in Davies, Who's Who , 233 and 234. Cf. also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 547: PA-w [ bxt-an ?]. Recto III 16-17: 1Ay PA-onnA for 1Ay sA OnnA ? See Davies, Who's Who , 30; Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 547. PA-im.y-r-pr-HD (recto IV 17) read as proper name following Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 549. Recto V 10: read DADA n 1r-m-Hb ? Cf. Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 550; Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 100. Recto V 10-11: [...] xr (?) [...] -ms restored by Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 550 as sS n pA 2r 9Hwty-ms , but cf. Schneider, in: Das Grab Ramses' X. , 100, note 319. Verso a 5: nA nTr.w m iAb.t.t ? Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 561: "die Götter im Osten"; cf. Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 55: "gli dei in Elefantina", but the writing of Abw "Elephantine" would be unusual. Verso a 10: sS 2a-m- [ HD.t ] ; Beckerath, SAK 21 (1994), 31 and 33; c f. Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 561: sS 2a-m- [ WAs.t ] . |