P. Turin Cat. 1978
Other nos.: P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 30
Description: Papyrus, 19 x 22 cm. Black ink, recto 5 lines, verso 2 lines, top recto = bottom verso. Damaged; unknown number of lines lost at top of recto.
Classification: letter
Keywords: boat - document - grain - house(?) - hut(?) - Necropolis - wages
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , pl. 97 (transcription); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 43, pl. XXX (facsimile and translation of part of recto; see Remarks); Wente, Letters , 13 5 no. 16 2 (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Wente)
Contents: Letter (writer and addressees unknown) about 100 sacks of grain to be fetched from the writer's house/hut (a.t ) by the scribes and men (of the Necropolis?) . The addressees are to check old records of the Necropolis about wages that are brought from the north in ships of officials (sr.w ), and they are to collect the wages themselves at the place where they are stored since the officials are not inclined to transport them immediately.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: an. (sr.w ; over recto 4; nA sr.w ; verso 2); an. (nAy=Tn sS.w ; recto 2)
Remarks: Publication: Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , pl. XXX does not show the ends of the lines on recto (additional fragment transcribed in Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , pl. 97).

Record last updated 2005-06-30

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