P. Turin Cat. 1999 + P. Turin Cat. 2009 verso
Other nos.: Giornale 13 verso; Turin Necropolis Journal year 13 verso; Giornale pl. 04-07; P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 152-153
Description: Dark brown papyrus, 47 x 45 cm, sheet joins running through recto columns I and II (see Remarks). Recto (H/V) black ink, 3 columns: col. I 30 lines, col. II 19 lines, col. III beginnings of 19 lines. Verso (V/H) black and red ink, 3 columns: col. I 21 lines, col. II 19 lines, col. III 17 lines; col. III partly underneath col. II: verso II 16-19 at same height as verso III 1-4. See Remarks. Damaged; beginnings of recto I 20-30 and recto II 16-19 lost, ends of recto II 15-19 and recto III 4-19 lost, recto III 1-3 entirely lost and unknown number of lines lost at bottom of recto II and III; beginnings of verso I 1-5, verso II 18-19 and verso III 6-17 lost, ends of verso I 19-21, all lines of verso II and verso III 3-17 lost, unknown number of lines lost at bottom of verso I. Only traces remain of verso I 21.
Classification: account - journal : absence - delivery - event - labour
Keywords: arrival - departure - document - fat - gang - grain rations - illness - inactivity - message - Necropolis - oath - rags - side (of gang) - textile - vegetables - woodwork - working
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 8-10, 12 and 13, pls. a and 4-7 (photograph, transcription, translation, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 504-506 (translation); Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 213 and 214, pls. CLII and CLIII (commentary, description and facsimile of verso I); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 563-566 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 10 + x epagomenal days (verso I ~1#, presumably rnp.t-sp 13 epagomenal days ); [...] Smw sw 30 (verso I 2 - probably IV Smw sw 30); epagomenal day 1 (verso I ~4#); III Smw (verso I 5, 9, 10, 17); IV Smw (verso I 5, 9, 10, 17); epagomenal days (verso I ~5#, 17); I Ax.t (verso I 17); rnp.t-sp 13 epagomenal day 2-5 (verso I 6, 8, 9, 10); rnp.t-sp 13 I Ax.t sw 1-6 (verso I 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, ~20#); rnp.t-sp 13 I Ax.t sw 9-20 (verso II ~1#, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, ~14#, ~18#, ~19#); rnp.t-sp 14 I Ax.t sw 24 (verso III 1-2); see Remarks
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Pleyte-Rossi), year 13 Ramesses IX and year 14 Ramesses IX (Botti-Peet, Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Verso I-II: journal of the period from the last day of [IV] Smw until I Ax.t 20 (rest lost) of regnal year 13, recording deliveries of vegetables, inactivity of the gang, the absence of "foreigners" (xAs.t.y.w ) or "Libyans" (Rb ), visits by the vizier in connection with the lack of grain rations. Assistants of the vizier come to collect a bed and a letter for the vizier (verso I 12-15). Other matters obscure due to fragmentary state of the papyrus. Verso III: fragmentary text of year 14 recording i.a. deliveries, the arrival of a letter, and numbers of men working and absent.
Terminology: ii in nA Hwty.w n pA 2r (verso III ~16#?); ii in NN (verso I 12, 18); ii in tA is.t (verso III 3); in.n NN (verso I ~1#); iny.t in NN (verso II ~16#); ir n (verso I 5, verso III 5); anx n Imn (verso II 15? see Remarks); wnmy m Dr.t NN (verso I 13); wsf n tA is.t (verso I 2, 6, 14, verso II 4, 5, ~8#, ~9#, ~10#, ~11#, ~12#, ~13#, ~14#, ~18#, ~19#); wsf n tA is.t pA 2r (verso I ~16#); wsf tA is.t (verso I 4); bAk (verso III 4, 9, ~14#); mr (verso III ~9#, 13, 14, 15); nty bAk (verso III 13); hrw pn ii in NN (verso I 7); smi (verso I 11); Sa.t (verso I 15, verso III 8); Ssp NN (verso III 7?); dmD (verso I 5, verso III 6) Incomplete: iny.t m [...] (verso III 11); wsf [...] (verso I 17, 18, verso III 15); hrw pn ii [...] (verso II 1); Ssp [...] (verso III 17); [...] y.t wnmy m Dr.t NN (verso I 3)
Names/Titles: an. (Rb ; verso I 16, 17); an. (nA Hwty.w n pA 2r ; verso I 11, 15, verso III 16); an. (pA Hm-nTr sn.nw n Imn ; verso I 7); an. (xAs.t.y.w ; verso I 2, 6, 8, ~9#, ~10#, 14); an. (TAty ; verso I 4, 7, ~11#, 12, 15); As.t (deity; f.; epagomenal day; verso I 9); Imn (deity; verso II 15); Imn.t.t Niw.t (geo.; verso I 18); Wsir (deity; epagomenal day; verso I 4); PA-Bs (sS ; verso I 11, ~19# - written PAy-Bs ); PA-Ra-Htp (verso II 6); PA-sd (kAr.y ; verso I ~1#, 3, verso II ~16#); PAy=f-ir.y (wab n MAa.t ; verso I ~ 18 # , ~20# ( ? ); see Remarks ); MnTw nb WAs.t (deity; verso III 12); Mry-4xm.t (sS n TAty ; verso I ~18#, ~20#(?); see Remarks); Niw.t (geo.; verso I 16); Nb-nfr (verso II 6); Nb-nfr (sAw ; verso II 2); Nb.t-Hw.t (deity; f.; epagomenal day; verso I ~10#); Nxw-m-Mw.t (aA n is.t ; verso I 13); Nxt-Imn (Sms.w n TAty ; verso I 13, 14); Ra-mry (Hr.y-Sms.w.w ; verso III 17); Ra-1r-Ax.t.y (deity; verso I 12); 1y-nfr (verso II 3?); 1r (deity; epagomenal day; verso I 6); 1r (sS n TAty ; verso I 12); 2nsw-ms (verso III 10); 4tX sA Nw.t (deity; epagomenal day; verso I 8) Incomplete: [...] (aA n is.t ; verso III ~7#); Nfr- [...] (TAty ; verso III 10?); Nfr-Hr sA [...] (verso II 2); 1r [...] (verso II 3)
Remarks: Description: sheet joins as observed by B. Haring in Turin, April 1995. Botti and Peet ( Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 9, 15, 16, 28, 29) distinguish two scribes who wrote the Necropolis Journal of years 13 and 17: hand A ("mano A") wrote Giornale 13, 17-A recto, 17-A verso I, 17-B recto I, II, VII and VIII and 17-B verso ; hand B ("mano B") wrote Giornale 17-A verso II-VI and 17-B recto III-VI as well as lines a-b over 17-B recto VII-VIII. Dates mentioned: Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 506 reconstructed the data I Ax.t sw 25-28 in verso III 9, 13, 14 and 15. Terminology: anx n Imn (verso II 15) very doubtful; Botti-Peet, Il giornale della necropoli di Tebe , 13: "giuramento ad Ammone". Names, Titles: in verso I 18 read wab n MAa.t PAy=f- [ ir.y sS Mry- ] 4xm.t n TAty ; cf. P. Turin Cat. 2072 verso I 8.

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