P. Turin Cat. 2002
Other nos.: P. Turin Pleyte-Rossi pl. 102-111; P. Turin 1082 (see Remarks)
Description: Papyrus, 42.5 x 46.5 cm. Black and red ink; recto (H/V) 5 columns: recto I 20 lines, recto II 22 lines, recto III 25 lines, recto IV 23 lines, recto V 2 lines; verso (V/H) 4 columns (first column with 7 remaining lines not numbered here, others numbered I-III): verso I 24 lines (verso I 1 long line separated from I 2 by a blank), verso II 23 lines, verso III 10 lines. Top recto = top verso. See Remarks. Palimpsest: traces of earlier text on recto and verso. Damaged; beginnings of all lines of recto I lost; beginnings of lines of column preceding verso I lost; ends of recto IV 1, 12, 13, 19-22 and of all lines of verso III lost; only a few signs remain of recto V 1 and 2; unknown number of lines lost in recto V, in column preceding verso I, and in verso III.
Classification: account - inventory : deficit - delivery - expense - portion
Keywords: alabaster - arrival - boat - bread - bronze - copper - gold - grain - grain rations - granary - lamp - metalwork - painting - silver - stone-work - textile - temple - tomb (royal) - vessel - woodwork - working - Xr.y-mrH
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , 137-141, pls. CII-CXI (description and facsimile, commentary); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , pls. 132 and 133 (transcription recto III 10-25); Bruyère, Mert Seger à Deir El Médineh , 235 (transcription and translation of verso I 1-11); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 418 and 481 (translation of recto III 12-25 and recto IV 14-23); Helck, Materialien VI, (60) and (961) (translation of recto III 2-9); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 244 and 245 (transcription of recto III 10-25); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 222 and 223, no. 172 (translation of recto III 10-25 and recto IV 14-21); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: [...] pr.t sw 5 (recto I 13); rnp.t-sp 1 II Smw sw 5 (recto III 10); rnp.t [...] (recto V 1?); rnp.t-sp 7 I Ax.t sw 2 (recto IV 21); [...] x + II Smw sw 24 (verso I 1); rnp.t-sp 7 I Ax.t sw 4 (verso I 1); rnp.t-sp 7 [...] pr.t sw 15 (verso I 9); rnp.t-sp 8 I Ax.t (verso II 1); rnp.t-sp 8 I Ax.t sw 4 (verso II 7); rnp.t-sp 8 III pr.t sw 13 (verso II 10); rnp.t-sp 8 I pr.t sw 5 (verso II 18?); rnp.t-sp 8 I pr.t sw 23 (verso II 21); rnp.t-sp 1 I + x [...] (verso III 8)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Pleyte-Rossi), year 1 Ramesses V (Helck, Kitchen), year 7 Ramesses IX (Helck); year 8 Ramesses IX(?); see Remarks.
Contents: Recto I-IV: inventory of tomb equipment, with mention of work in the royal tomb and the lamps used for that purpose(?) ("working in the three halls": recto I 13, III 10, IV 1?). Recto III 10-25: arrival of the vizier, the high priest of Amun, several royal butlers and a troop overseer, under whose supervision the equipment is installed in the tomb. Recto IV 14-21: four sculptors are sent into the tomb in order to finish an alabaster shrine. All events dated to regnal year 1 (presumably of Ramesses V). Recto IV 21-23 and verso: deliveries of barley and wheat from the granaries of Pharaoh and of the Ma'at temple, and distributions of grain rations to the gang. Verso II 18-23: deliveries of loaves (krSt ) to the gang by the altar scribes of Pharaoh in Thebes. Regnal years 7 and 8 (presumably of Ramesses IX).
Terminology: ii in nA sr.w (recto III 12); iny.t Hr rsy (verso I 11, II 8); ir n (recto II 9, verso I 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24); a n nA rwD.w.w tA Snw.t (verso I 7); a n sS.w Pr-aA anx wDA snb (verso II 5); aHa n (to the right of recto IV 2 - red); aHa n it n rnp.t-sp ? Abd ? (verso II 1); wa nb (verso I 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24); wp st m di.w (verso I 21); wHm (verso II 22); wHm n=sn (verso II 22); wDA.t (to the right of verso I 23 - belonging to previous column, verso II 5); wDA.t=f (verso I 7 - red); bAk m pA 3 sH (recto I ~13#, recto III 10, recto IV 1?); bAk m 4.t MAa.t (recto III ~10#); bty i.Ssp m Dr.t NN m hrw pn (verso I 19 - written bty r Ssp ? ); m Dr.t NN (verso II 8); NN m Dr.t NN (verso II ~11#?); nty im=f (recto I 4); nty im=s (recto I ~1#(?), ~7#, 17, 19, recto II 4); rdy.t n NN (recto IV 6); rdy.t n=sn in pA Hr.y-sS-wDH.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb m Niw.t (verso II 21); hAw n xbs (recto III 11, verso III ~9#); hrw pn (recto I ~15#(?), recto II 1, recto III 2, recto IV 12); hrw pn spr in NN (verso I 1); hrw pn di.t di.w n nA rmT pA 2r in NN (verso I 9-~10# - written hrw n pn di.t di.w nA rmT pA 2r ); Ssp m Dr.t pA sS-wDH.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb in NN (verso II 18); Ssp m Dr.t NN (verso I 11, verso II 10); Ssp m Dr.t NN m Dr.t NN (recto IV 21-~22#); dmD (recto I 12, recto II 15, recto III 5(?), recto IV 5, verso I 12, 18, 20, verso II 2, 5, 6, 9, 22, 23); dmD it nb n rnp.t-sp ? Abd ? sw ? m Dr.t NN (verso II 7); dmD hAw pr pn (verso I 8) Incomplete/uncertain: wp st [...] di.w (verso I 13 - cf. wp st m di.w ?); hAw n [...] (recto V 2?); grH (recto III 11?); Tsy r tA [...] (verso I 1?)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA im.y-r pr-HD ; recto III 1); an. ( pA im.y-r Snw.t.y n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 15); an. ( aA s 2; verso I 4, ~16#, 23); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; recto II 9, verso I ~1#); an. ( nA nTr.w ; deity; recto I 17); an. ( nA rwD.w.w tA Snw.t ; verso I 7); an. ( rmT 2; recto IV 15); an. ( nA rmT pA 2r ; verso I 9); an. ( Hwty.w s 4; verso I 13, 21); an. ( nA Hm.w.t pr pn ; verso I ~3# - written Hm.w pr pn ; Hm.w.t 3; verso I ~15#, 24); an. ( nA Hmw.w ; recto III 1; nA Hmw.w n 4.t MAa.t ; recto III 24); an. ( pA 4 Hr.y-ms-aA.t n pA Ss ; recto IV 14-~15#(?); see Remarks); an. ( pA Hr.y-sS-wDH.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 21); an. ( nA smd.t pr pn ; verso I 5); an. ( smd.t-bnr ; verso I 18, verso II 4); an. ( nA sr.w ; recto III 12); an. ( sS.w Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 5); an. ( nA sS.w Snw.t Pr-aA anx wDA snb m Niw.t ; verso I ~10#); an. ( pA sS-wDH.w n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; verso II 18); Imn-nxt ( sS ; recto IV 17); Imn-Htp (recto IV 6, 22); Imn-xa ( wbA-nswt ; recto III ~25# - or 2a ( wbA-nswt ) - see Remarks, recto IV 14); Imn-xa ( Hr.y-wsx ; verso I 11, 19, verso II 8); Itmw-nxt ( wbA-nswt ; recto III 15); ano.t (deity; f.; recto III 5?); PA-ir.y ( Hr.y-pD.t ; recto III 16); PA-Ra-nxt ( wbA-nswt ; recto III 14); Pn-6A-wr.t ( sS-od ; verso II 19); MAa.t (deity; f.; granary of; verso II 11); MnTw-m-tA.wy ( im.y-r pr-HD ; recto III ~15#); Mr=s-gr (deity; f.; verso I 2); Niw.t (geo.; verso II 18, 21); Nfr-rnp.t ( TAty ; recto III 13); Ns-Imn ( mDAy ; recto IV ~22#); Ra-ms-sw-nxt ( Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; recto III 13, to the right of verso I 8 - belonging to previous column); 1r ( aA-onb.t ; verso I 10 ? ); 1r ( sS n pA 2r ; verso II 7); 1r ( sS n tmA ; verso II 7, 11); 1r sA 1r-ms ( sS ; verso II 19); 2nsw ( idn.w ; verso II 19); 2nsw-m-Hb ( Hr.y-mDAy ; verso I 1); 2nsw-ms ( sS ; verso II 8); 4bk-Htp ( wbA-nswt ; recto III 16); 4tX-Hr-wnmy=f ( wbA-nswt ; recto III 14) ; 6A-Sri (recto IV 23) Incomplete/unclear ... .w 4.t MAa.t (recto IV 1); [...] -WAs.t (to the right of verso I 9(?) - belonging to previous column); <...> ( sS ; verso II 10) ; [...] Snw.t pr MAa.t (verso II 11)
Remarks: Numbers : "P. Turin 1082" in Bruyère, Mert Seger à Deir El Médineh , 235. Description: recto V and column preceding verso I not numbered by Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , pls. CVI, CVIII and CIX. The numbers of lines and columns by Pleyte-Rossi are maintained here. Publication: transcription of the entire text, including some small fragments added after the publication by Pleyte-Rossi, in Cern MSS.3.571, 723-731. Dates attributed: Bruyère, Mert Seger à Deir El Médineh , 235: "époque Ramsès III" (sic). "Year 8" (verso I 9, verso II 1, 7, 10) also of Ramesses IX according to e.g. Valbelle, Ouvriers , 105; Gutgesell, Datierung I, 135. Names, Titles: recto III 25 wbA-nswt [...] -xa or wbA-nswt 2a ? Cf. McDowell, Village Life , 223 ("Kha"); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 418: ( Imn- ) xa . A gap after wbA-nswt is indicated in Pleyte-Rossi, Papyrus de Turin , pl. 105 and in Cern MSS.3.725. Recto IV 15: read ms-aA.t ? Traces indicated by Cern MSS.3.727 seem hard to reconcile with this. Cf. McDowell, Village Life , 223: "alabaster-cutters"; Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 418: "Alabastersteinmetzen".

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