P. Turin Cat. 2015
Other nos.: -
Description: Dark brown p apyrus, 20 x 20 cm (see Remarks). Black and red ink, recto (H/V) 11 lines, verso (V/H) 7 lines, top recto = bottom verso. Palimpsest; recto 5 (effaced) belongs to earlier text. Damaged; beginnings of all lines on recto and verso lost, ends of recto 1-3 and of all lines of verso lost, gaps in recto 6 and verso 4; unknown number of lines lost at top of recto and bottom of verso.
Classification: account - deposition(?) - letter(?) : portion
Keywords: appointment - grain rations - granary - Necropolis - place - stela(?) - temple(?) - theft
Provenance: Presumably acquired by the government of Piedmont for the Turin museum from Bernardino Drovetti in 1823 (see e.g. S. Curto, Storia del Museo Egizio di Torino , 2nd ed., Turin 1976, 45).
Publication: Unpublished; Cern Notebook 15.47-48; MSS.3.578 (transcription; see Remarks)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Recto: account of grain rations distributed among the workmen by various functionaries, including the vizier and the high priest of Amun. Verso: letter or deposition about theft, the manufacturing of a stela(?), and the appointment of 5 workmen(?).
Terminology: ir n (recto 10, 10, 10, 11); wa nb (recto 2, 10); mn tA Snw.t (recto 11); di.t di.w n nA rmT pA 2r (recto ~1#, ~6#; written di.t di.w nA rmT pA 2r ); dmD (recto 9) Incomplete/unclear: tp n di.t=w di.w [...] nA rmT pA 2r (recto 9)
Names/Titles: an. (aA 2; recto 10); an. (nA rmT pA 2r ; recto ~1#, 6, 9); an. (Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn ; recto 3); an. (Hr.y ; verso 2); an. (s Hr.y 4; recto ~2#); Imn (deity; temple of; recto 4?); Ir-pA-sxr.w (sS ; recto 7) Incomplete/unclear: an. (5 rmT [...]; verso 4); [...] ps (recto 7; or [...] Bs ?); [...] -m-Hb (sS n pr Imn ; recto 8); 2a- [...] (TAty ; recto 3); 7 [...] (recto 7)
Remarks: Description: measurements based on notes by R.J. Demarée. Publication: Cern MSS.3.627 is not P. Turin Cat. 2015 (although this is the number given by Cern hence also in Magee, Malek, Checklist , 15), but P. Turin Cat. 1945 + (Giornale 17-B) recto III.

Record last updated 2005-06-21

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