P. UC 34336
Other nos.: P. Greg
Description: Papyrus consisting of three large pieces, three smaller pieces, and a few fragments which may form a narrow strip. Inscribed on two sides in black ink and red ink. Recto (H/V) three columns (see Remarks); column A, 17 x 13.5 cm, sheet join at 3 cm from right edge, 18 lines, column B, two fragments; small fragment, hight 2 cm, placed on top of a larger fragment, 31 x 12.5 cm which has a join at 1.5 cm from right edge, 36 lines, estimated gap between the small and large fragment 1 cm (equalling one line), or more (see Remarks), column C, two fragments; small fragment, 3 x 7.5 cm, placed on top of larger fragment, 14 x 11.5 cm which has a join at 3 cm from left edge, 17 lines (numbered x+1-17 by Kitchen), the size of the gap between these fragments is uncertain, verso four columns; column A 30 lines (numbered 1-2, x+3-30 by Kitchen), column B 41 lines (numbered 0-40 by Kitchen), column C 20 lines, column X 18 lines (numbered x+1-18 by Kitchen) the placement of which is uncertain ; a small unplaced fragment : recto two columns; column Y 2 lines, column Z 3 lines, verso one column U , 3 lines. Top recto = top verso. Damaged: beginnings of all lines on recto A , B 1-11, 35-36, C 2, x+3-5, x+12-13, x+17 lost ; ends of recto A 1, 6-7, 14, 16, B 1-4, 6, 8-9, 11-18, 20-36, C 1-2, x+3-12, x+14-17 lost ; middle of recto A 16, B 5, 36, C x+4 lost ; bottom of middle of recto C 1 lost ; ends of recto A 3, 18 effaced ; middle of recto A 16 effaced ; recto A 17, B 3 entirely lost ; only a few sign s and traces remain of recto B 1-2, 4 ; beginnings of all lines of verso A, B 26-27, 34, 39-40, C 15 lost ; beginning of verso C 17 effaced ; ends of verso A x+16-20, x+25-30, B 5-40, C 2-10, 12, 14-19 lost ; middle of verso A 1, x+27, B 24-25, 33-34, 36 lost ; middle of verso B 40 effaced ; verso A x+4 entirely lost ; only a few signs and traces remain of verso B 0-4, C 1, 20 ; beginnings of unplaced fragment recto Y 1-2, Z 1, verso U 1-3 lost, ends of recto Z 1-3, verso U 1, 3 lost ; unknown number of lines lost at bottom of verso A, C, recto Y, verso U ; unknown number of columns lost on recto and verso.
Classification: account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - event - expense - labour - portion
Keywords: arrival - beer - bread - construction site - dates - feast - firewood - fish - grain rations - inactivity - junior - lamp - plaster - servant - side (of gang) - temple - working
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 437-448 (transcription); Janssen, Village Varia , 111-130 (description, translation, commentary); J . and R. Janssen, Minerva 8:6 November/December (1997), 32-34 (photographs verso, commentary ); www.petrie. ucl. ac.uk (photograph verso, description)
Dates mentioned: sw 11 (recto A 5); III Ax.t (recto A 8); rnp.t-sp 5 I Ax.t sw 1 (recto A 13); epagomenal days (recto A 14 , ~16# (?), 18); rnp.t-sp 5 I Ax.t sw 1 7 -20 (recto B~7# , ~12#, 16, 18 ); I Ax.t sw 11 r sw 20 (recto B 23); rnp.t-sp 5 I Ax.t sw 21 (recto B 26); rnp.t-sp 5 I Ax.t sw 22 (recto B ~35#); rnp.t-sp 5 I Ax.t sw 27 -29 (recto C ~ 2 # , ~x+5#, x+9 ); II Ax.t (recto C x+10); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 15 -18 (verso A [ x+17 ], ~x+20#, ~x+23#, ~x+26# ); I pr.t (verso A x+27); IV Ax.t (verso A x+29, ~ x+30#); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 19 (verso B [ 0 ] ); sw 20 (verso B 10); IV Ax.t sw 11 r sw 20 (verso B 11); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Ax.t sw 21-28 (verso B 16, 19, 22, 22, ~27#, 32, ~33#, 36, ~40#); rnp.t-sp 7 (verso C [ 1 ] ); rnp.t-sp 7 I pr.t sw 12 (verso C ~2#); II Ax.t (verso C 5); IV Ax.t (verso C 6); rnp.t-sp 7 I pr.t sw 13 -18 (verso C 11 , 12, 14, 14, ~15#, 18 )
Dates attributed: Late dyn. 19, year 5 Siptah , year 6 Siptah , year 7 Siptah (Janssen ; www.petrie.ucl.ac.uk/search); dyn. 20, year 5 Ramesses III , year 6 Ramesses III , year 7 Ramesses II I (Kitchen)
Contents: Fragmentary j ournal of several months in regnal years 5-7, mentioning days of work and inactivity, and deliveries of various sorts: (1) lamps for the work site; (2) grain rations and their distribution; (3) bread, dates and beer from "the superior of provisions of Pharaoh l.p.h. in Thebes"; (4) beer from "the temples of Western Thebes"; (5) firewood delivered by woodcutters; (6) fish delivered by fishermen; (7) deliveries and deficits of plaster. The deliveries are reveived by the workmen on duty according to the watch rota. Special events noted are the feast of Sokar-Osiris (verso B 33) and the arrival of workman On-Hr-xpS=f (verso C 10).
Terminology: in NN n wnmy NN n smHy (recto A ~12#, B ~2#, ~6#, ~11#, 15, ~17#, ~22#, ~34#, C ~x+8#); iny.t m pA aA n anx.w-nswt n Pr-aA anx wDA snb m Niw.t (verso B ~14#); iny.t Hr sA (recto A 7); in.n=f Imn.t.t WAs.t (recto B 29 ( ? ) - see Remarks) ir n (recto A 6, 6, 16, C x+11, x+12, x+15, verso A x+28, x+28, C [ 5 ] , [ 7 ] , U 3); wa nb (recto A 6, 6, 16, 16 ( ? ) , C x+ 11, x+12, x+15, Z 1, verso A [ x+28 ] , x+28, C 5, [ 7 ] , U 3); wp st (recto A 7) 15, 15; wDA.t (recto A 2, 2, verso B 15, 15); bAk.w 2 (recto A 11, B 24); bAk.w n pA od (verso B 12, 13); pA idn di.w n Abd ? n wnmy (verso C 5; written: pA dni di.w n Abd ? n wnmy ); pA idn di.w n Abd ? n tA ri.t wnmy (recto C x+~10#); m sw ? (verso B 10); m Dr.t NN (recto A 2); n Abd ? (verso C 6); n wDA.t=f n Abd ? (verso A x+29); n tA ri.t smHy m Dr.t NN (recto A 5); NN wnmy (verso B 30?); NN n wnmy (verso B ~9#, 10); NN n smHy (verso B 9); hAw n wnmy (verso U 2); hrw n ii ir.n NN (verso C 10); hrw n grH m tA ri.t (verso B 29); HA . w r HA.t=sn n Abd ? (recto A 8); xbs dy r pA r-a-bAk m hrw pn (recto A ~4#, B ~8#, 13, 27, ~36#, C ~ x+6#, verso A ~ x+18#, ~ x+21#, ~ x+24#, B ~1#, ~17#, 20, 23, 28, 37, C 3, ~16#, ~19#); smHy ( verso B ~30#); smHy m Dr.t NN (recto B 25); Ssp bAk.w n NN (verso B ~8#); Ssp m iny.t m pA aA n anx.w-nswt n Pr-aA anx wDA snb m Niw.t (recto B ~9#, 28 - written aA anx.w-nswt , verso A [2], ~ x+25#, B ~2#, ~34#, C ~4#, ~12#); Ssp m iny.t m nA r.w-pr.w I mn.t.t WAs.t (recto A ~10#, B ~1#, ~1 1 #, 19, C ~1#, ~ x+7#, verso A ~ x+19#, ~ x+22#, B 18, 21, ~24#, ~32#, ~38#, C ~17#, ~20#); Ssp m hrw pn (recto B ~4#); Ssp m Dr.t NN n wnmy (recto B 20, 21, ~30#, verso B ~4#, 31); Ssp m Dr.t NN n smHy (recto B 14, verso B ~26#); Ssp m Dr.t NN in NN (verso B ~25# ? ); dmD (recto A 4, B 13, 27, verso C 6, 9, X 8); dmD hAw nb (verso A x+30); dmD hAw nb iry m hrw pn (verso C 9); dmD SAa m Abd ? sw ? r sw ? ir n sw ? (recto B 23, verso B ~11#); ditto (recto B 32, 33, verso B ~6#); Incomplete: [...] y nb iry m hrw pn (recto C x+17); [...] wsf m hrw pn (verso U ~1#); pA di.t di.w n Abd ? [...] (recto C x+14); [...] n Abd ? (verso A x+30); [...] n smHy (verso A 1); [...] NN n wnmy (recto A ~11#); [...] hrw pn (recto A 9); [...] smHy (recto Y ~1#); Ssp m Dr.t NN [...] (recto B 31, 32 - ditto, 33 - ditto, verso B 4, 5, 6 - ditto, 7, 8, ~25#, 39); [...] di.w n Abd ? n wnmy (verso A x+27 ; possibly pA di.t di.w n Abd ? n wnmy ; see Remarks); [...] di.w n tA ri.t wnmy iry.t m rnp .t-sp ? Abd ? sw ? (recto A 13)
Names/Titles: an. ( pA aA n is.t ; recto A 5, 7, C x+14, pA aA n is.t 2; verso A ~ x+27#, C ~7#); an. ( pA aA n anx.w-nswt n Pr-aA anx wDA snb m Niw.t ; recto B ~9#, 28, verso A x+~25#, B ~2#, ~14#, ~34#, C ~4#, ~12#); an. ( mnH 7; recto Z ~1#); an. ( nA rmT ; recto C x+9); an. ( rmT-is.t ; recto A 6); an. ( nA rmT-is.t ; recto A 3, B 7, 12, 16, 18, 26, 35, C x+5, verso A x+17, x+20, x+23, x+~26#, B 0, 16, 19, 22, 27, ~36#, ~40#, verso C 2, ~15#, [18]); an. ( nA Hm.w.t ; f.; verso C 6); an. ( sAw ; verso A x+29); an. ( sAw s 2; recto C ~x+12#, x+15); an. ( nA sAw.w ; verso C 8); an. ( pA sS ; verso A x+27, C 7); an. ( pA od ; recto B ~24#, verso B 12, ~13#); Imn-xa ( Sad-xt ditto; recto B ~33#; Sad-xt ; verso B 6); Imn.t.t WAs.t (geo.; recto B 2 9 ); It-twy ( aA ; verso C 8?); aA-pH.t.y ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto B ~6#); aA-nxt .w (recto Z ~3#); Wn-nfr ( mnH ; recto C x+16); BAk-n-wrnr ( oD n smHy ; recto B 14); BAk-n-Imn ( wHa n smHy ; recto C ~ x+4#, verso B 26); BAk-n-Mw.t ( Sad-xt n wnmy ; recto B ~30#, verso B ~7# (?) - see Remarks ; n wnm.y ; verso B ~9#); PA-iw ( Sad-xt ditto ; recto B ~32#; Sad-xt ; verso B ~5# ; n smHy ; verso B 9); PA-ym (recto C x+16); PA-wbx-nw ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto B 34); PA-sr ( sS ; recto A 2, 5, recto B 25); PA-tti ( wHa n wnmy ; recto B 20); PAy (verso A ~ x+28#; wnmy ; B 30); Pn-Imn ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto B 17); Pn-Rnnw.t ( n wnmy ; verso B 10); PtH-m-Hb (od n w nm y ; recto A ~11# - see Remarks; verso B ~8#); MH (verso B 25); Nb-Ra (Sad-xt n wnmy ; recto B ~21#); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( idn.w ; recto Z ~2#); Nxt-sw ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto B 15); Ra-mry ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto B 15); Rm ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto C x+8); 0d-nxt ( oD ; verso B 39); 1y sA 1y-nfr ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto A 12); 1y-nfr ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto B ~17#); 1r (recto Y 2); 1r .y ( wHa n wnmy ; verso B 31); 1r-m-wiA ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto B ~6# ; written rmT n smHy ); 2a-m-tr ( wHa ; verso B 25); 2a-m-tr (Sad-xt ; recto B 3 1 ); 4A-WAD.t ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto B ~11#); 4kr-Ws i r (deity; feast of; verso B 33); On-Hr-xpS=f ( rmT-is.t n w nm y ; recto B ~22#; rmT-is.t ; verso C 10); Ks ( rmT-is.t n wnmy ; recto B ~11#); Incomplete: Imn [...] ( rmT-is.t n smHy ; recto B 22 (?) ; possibly Imn-m-In.t ; see Remarks); [...] ([...] ist ; recto B 5) ; [...] ([...] wnmy ; recto B 2); [...] ( mnH ; verso C 8); [...] ([...] n wnmy ; recto A 12); [...] ([...] n smHy ; verso A ~1#); [...] ( rmT-is.t ; recto B 34); Kn [...] (recto C x+8; see Remarks); 6 [...] ( rmT-is.t ; recto B 2; see Remarks)
Remarks: Description: There might have been an additional fourth column, placed between column A and column B ; Janssen, Village Varia , 115. The gap between the two fragments of recto B might be la r ger than the 1 cm initially proposed by Gardiner ; Janssen, Village Varia , 113, 119 note b. The diagram showing the placement of the papyrus fragments in Janssen, Village Varia , 113 appears to have erroneously labelled what, according to the description, must be recto C as recto A, and what must be recto A as recto C; cf. Černý Notebook 48 . 2. Terminology: in.n=f Imn.t.t WAs.t (recto B 29) may alternatively be read in n=f Imn.t.t WAst , both options, however, remaining somewhat obscure ; Janssen, Village Varia , 118, 119 note p. The reconstruction pA di.t di.w n Abd ? n wnmy (verso A x+27) by Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 443. Names, Titles: reading od PtH-m-Hb n wnm.y (recto A ~11#) by Janssen, Village Varia 117 ; see also O. DeM 0343 . Alternative reading PtH-m-wiA by Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 438. Restoration Imn-m-In.t of Left (recto B 22) suggested by Janssen, Village Varia , 118, 119 note n. Kn [...] (recto C x+8) : so Černý, indicating perhaps a name such as Knr , although this is considered imp la usible by Janssen, Village Varia , 120 note d. Černý saw Gardiner sign U 33 following rmT-is.t (recto B 2), which may perhaps indicate the name 6nr-MnTw . Janssen, Village Varia , 118, 119 note a. For Sad-xt BAk-n-Mw.t (verso B ~7#?) see Janssen, Village Varia , 122 and 123, note f; Cern followed by Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 443, 12, read BAk-n-TAw ...(?).

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