II  2 Nekhemmut
has disappeared, Khaemnun moves up one day, Hori takes his place, and Hori’s
place on day 11 is taken up by Pasen. After II 16
between Inetef and Anynakhte 11 new members of the crew are introduced (in
relation with the note on I 19
- DeM 40 recto 12 - ),
only on day 24 accidentally(?) To and Maanakhtef together. The turnus
therefore is changed from 19 days into 30 days. Amennakhte son of
Reshpetref; Pentawere son of Amennakhte; Nekhemmut son of Amenkhew;
Amennakhte son of Khaemnun; Amennakhte son of Kasa; Amenhotep son of
Amennakhte. |