O. Ashmolean Museum 0285
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0285; W. DeM 5306
Description: Limestone, 8.6 x 10.8 x 2.3 cms. Damaged. One side, with 4 lines in black ink. Bottom and left edge broken off, ends of lines 2-4 missing.
Classification: account - deposition : weight
Keywords: tools
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Valbelle, Catalogue des poids a inscriptions hieratiques de Deir el-Medineh , 101 (description), pl. 39-39a (facsimile and transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Deposition of workman 6nr-MnTw , listing the weight of a spike and an adze. See Remarks
Terminology: ir n (3, 4); r n NN (1-2)
Names/Titles: 6nr-MnTw (rmT-is.t ; ~2#)
Remarks: Contents: The text suggests this to be a deposition concerning the weight of some tools rather than an actual weight, as Valbelle, Poids , 101, states; see Eyre, Employment , 50 and n. 341.

Record last updated 2002-07-09

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