O. BIFAO 76 (1976), 8
Other nos.: -
Description: Pink pottery fragment, 6 x 3.5 cm. Black ink, one side, one line. Damaged; beginning and end of line lost.
Classification: ?
Keywords: -
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, excavations C. Bonnet and D. Valbelle, February 1976 (02-1967); trench to the south of the village.
Publication: Bonnet, Valbelle, BIFAO 76 (1976), 333 and 334, fig. 7, no. 8 (description, facsimile)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Obscure.
Terminology: -
Names/Titles: Incomplete: [...] -wr.t (i.e. Pn-6A-wr.t ?)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2007-01-15

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