O. BM EA 65930
Other nos.: O. Nash 01; HO 46, 2
Description: Limestone, measurements not given in publications (see Remarks). Black ink, obverse 17 lines, reverse 16 lines, top obverse = bottom reverse. Corrections by scribe in obv. 13, 14, rev. 11. Damaged; beginnings of obv. 2-4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, rev. 1, 12 and 16 damaged; beginnings of obv. 14 and 15 lost.
Classification: protocol : deposition - letter - list - oath : name
Keywords: arrival - copper - gang - house - inspection - divine manifestation - metalwork - oath - place - punishment - river-bank - theft - tools - vessel - village - war - onb.t
Provenance: Acquired by the British Museum in 1959 from Spink & Son, G.D. Nash collection.
Publication: Černý, Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 14, pls. XLVI and XLVIA, no. 2 (description, transcription, facsimile); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 214-217, no. 217 (translation, commentary); Bierbrier, The Tomb-builders of the Pharaohs , 106, fig. 75 (photograph obv.); Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 43, 160 (description, commentary); Demarée, Ramesside Ostraca , 40, pls. 173 and 174 (description, transcription, photographs); Greig, in Papers for Discussion I, 5-52 (translation, commentary); Groll, in Orient and Occident , 67-70 (translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 315-317 (transcription); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 186-188, no. 144 (translation, commentary); Theodorides, RIDA 16 (1969), 128-139 (translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 6 III Smw sw 10 (obv. 1)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 (Groll), year 6 Seti II (Allam, Černý, Collier, Demarée, Gardiner, Greig, Kitchen)
Contents: The lady 1r.y-iA is accused before the court (onb.t ) by the workman Nb-nfr of having stolen a copper spike from him. 1r.y-iA has been denounced to Nb-nfr by the lady Nbw-m-nHb.t , who has experienced a divine manifestation to the effect. 1r.y-iA swears that she has not stolen the spike, but when a messenger of the court is sent to her house, he finds the spike there, hidden together with a metal object belonging to "Amun of the Beautiful Encounter". 1r.y-iA is deemed guilty and "worthy of death", but the case is postponed until the vizier will arrive. After the list of court members there follows a message by an anonymous writer to his superior concerning the earlier theft of a metal object by 6A-nDm.t-Hms , the wife of PA-Sd , who was consequently taken to the river-bank by the vizier. That case is now adduced as a precedent of the above one, and the addressee (the vizier?) is urged to take the appropriate measures.
Terminology: ir ink (obv. 2-~3#); ix rx=sn (rev. 16 - for ix rx=k st ?); anx aA n nb anx wDA snb (obv. 8-9, ~17#); wAH Imn wAH pA HoA anx wDA snb (obv. 10); r nty (rev. 9); r di.t rx pAy=i nb (rev. 8); r Dd (obv. 9, 11, 17); hrw pn n spr ir.n NN r tA onb.t sDm.y.w (obv. 1); onb.t hrw pn (rev. 5 - written onb.t hrw n pn ); Dd.t.n NN (obv. 2, 7); Dd.t.n n=s tA onb.t (obv. 8)
Names/Titles: an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; obv. 10); an. (tA xAr.t ; f.; rev. 8); an. (TAty ; rev. 4, 11, 14); an. (pA HoA anx wDA snb ; obv. 10); Imn (deity; obv. 10, 16); Imn n THn nfr (deity; obv. 14); Ypwy (sAw.t.y ; rev. 6); PA-nb (aA n is.t ; rev. 5); PA-sr (sS ; rev. 6); PA-Sd sA 1H (rev. 10-11); PA-Sd (sS ; rev. 5); PA-Sd (Sms.w ; obv. 13); Pn-6A-wr.t (sS ; rev. 6); MnTw-ms (Hr.y-mDAy ; rev. 6); Nb-nfr sA Nx (rmT-is.t ; obv. 1); Nb-nfr (rmT-is.t ; obv. 2 and rev. 3 = Nb-nfr sA Nx ); Nb-nfr (obv. 7 = Nb-nfr sA Nx ); Nbw-m-nHb.t (anx n niw.t ; f.; obv. 5); Nfr-rnp.t (TAty ; rev. 10); 1Ay (aA n is.t ; rev. 5); 1A.t-iAy (sS ; rev. 11); 1r.y-iA (anx n niw.t ; f.; obv. 2, 6, 6, 7 - written 1r.y , 9, rev. 2); 6A-nDm.t-Hms (anx n niw.t ; Hm.t of PA-Sd sA 1H ; f.; rev. 9); pA dmi (geo.; obv. 4, rev. 10)
Remarks: Description: ostracon measures appr. 26 x 18.5 cm if drawn to scale in Černý, Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , pls. XLVI and XLVIA. Same hand as O. BM EA 65956 according to Černý-Gardiner, Demarée.

Record last updated 2011-07-08

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