O. BM EA 65936
Other nos.: O. Nash 06; HO 56, 1
Description: Limestone, 20.5 x 13 cms. One side with fourteen lines in black ink (supralinear additions, sometimes in red ink, above lines 3, 4, 5 and 8), with line 2 and the end of line 4 cancelled in red ink. Damaged at the top right and bottom. Correction by the scribe in l. 5-6.
Classification: account - list : dispute
Keywords: basketry - beans - beer - bread - fat - fish - grain - jewelry - mat - meat - natron - oil - salt - sandals - textile - woodwork - sty
Provenance: No indication; see Remarks
Publication: Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 16 (description) and pl. 56-56A no. 1 (facsimile, transcription); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 222-223 no. 222 (translation, commentary); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 45-46 no. 20 (translation); Demaree, Ramesside Ostraca , 42 and pl. 184 (description, photograph, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Demaree: dyn. 20
Contents: List of items taken by a man to the house of his bride, who, however, has rejected him twice.
Terminology: mn (in red; above 3, above 5); r rdi.t rx=tw ix.t nb iTA r pAy=s pr (~1#; iTA for iTA=i (?)); dmD (2; cancelled)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Provenance: Deir el-Medina, on the basis of internal evidence (Demaree, Ramesside Ostraca , 42).

Record last updated 2003-10-15

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