O. Berlin [B] + O. BM EA 65944
Other nos.: O. Nash 10
Description: Limestone, two joining fragments: O. Berlin [B] 12.5 x 21 cm; O. BM EA 65944 12.7 x 13.7 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink, obverse 10 lines(?; see Remarks), reverse 3 lines(?). Top obverse = bottom reverse. Damaged: middle of obverse 6 lost(?), ends of obverse 6-10 lost, only a few signs remain of reverse 1-3.
Classification: account
Keywords: tomb (royal)
Provenance: O. BM EA 65944: acquired by the British Museum from the G. D. Nash collection in 1959; marks:1959 12-12 145 65944; see Remarks.
Publication: BM fragment: Demaree, Ramesside Ostraca , 43, pls. 195-196 (photographs, description, transcription, commentary of O. BM EA 65944); Wimmer, Hieratische Paläographie 1, 36-37, 138 (facsimile, description, transcription of O. BM EA 65944 obverse); Berlin fragment unpublished: Černý, Notebook 32.12 (description, transcription of O. Berlin [B]).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Demaree); Ramesses V or Ramesses VI (Wimmer).
Contents: An account of measurements of various architectural elements of a royal tomb, which may be the tomb of Ramesses VI.
Terminology: dmD (rev. 2)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Description: if O. Berlin [B] obverse 6 joins O. BM EA 65944 obverse 1, the total number of lines on obverse is 10. If, however, O. BM 65944 obverse 1 follows after O. Berlin [B] obverse 6, the total number of lines on obverse is 11. Provenance: Deir el-Medina in view of internal evidence. Demaree, Ramesside Ostraca , 43. The option that the provenance might be Valley of Kings should also be kept open (Ben Haring).

Record last updated 2010-10-18

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