O. IFAO 01255 + O. Varille 39
Other nos.: O. IFAO ONL 514
Description: Pottery, dimensions unknown. Three or more fragments, not joining: IFAO 1255 (two fragments), inscribed on one side, 10 lines; Varille 39 (one or more fragments) obverse 16 lines (including additional line 3a), reverse text A 8 lines, text B 5 lines at right angles with text A; see Remarks. Top obverse = bottom reverse A. Black ink(?). Damaged; beginnings of IFAO 1255 lines 1 and 5-10, Varille 39 obv. 1, 2, 4-6, 10, rev. A 8 and B 5 lost; ends of all lines on IFAO 1255, of Varille 39 obv. 1-7, rev. A 3, 4 and B 1-4 lost; gaps in all lines of IFAO 1255, in Varille 39 obv. 11-15 and rev. B 4; parts of Varille 39 obv. 1-5 effaced; unknown number of lines lost at top of Varille 39 obv. and beneath Varille 39 rev. A 8.
Classification: account - journal - letter - oath : event - portion
Keywords: army - arrival - beer - carrying torch - commissioning - gang - goat - grain - grain rations - junior - message - oath - passing (guard posts) - servant - temple - xtm
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, 1949 (Grandet)
Publication: Grandet, in: Aere Perennius , 327-359 (description, photographs, facsimiles, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 300-302 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 309 and 310 (translation of IFAO 1255 obv., Varille 39 obv. 3a-15 and rev. A 1-7); Frandsen, JEA 75 (1989), 117-122 (translation of IFAO 1255 obv. 1-3, commentary) ; see Remarks
Dates mentioned: II pr.t sw 10-13 (IFAO 1255 [1], 2, ~3#, [5]); II pr.t sw 15-17 (Varille 39 obv. 3a, ~6# (17 instead of 16?), ~11#); x + I pr.t (Varille 39 obv. 5b); II pr.t sw 17 (Varille 39 rev. A 4); sw 18 (Varille 39 rev. A 4)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 29 Ramesses III ( Grandet, Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Main text: Necropolis journal for several days of II pr.t recording the passing of the guard-posts ( inb.w.t ) by the gang because of their grain rations. They go to several temples (among which the Ramesseum) and "carry torches". The chief policeman MnTw-ms has 50 jars of beer delivered to them; an army general attached to the temple of Ramesses III hears their complaints and promises to write about them to Pharaoh. Varille 39 rev. A 2-8: account of grain rations distributed to one side of the gang. Varille 39 obv. 1-3: oath about i.a. a goat(?); rev. B: part of the Teaching of Amennakht . See Remarks.
Terminology: anx n nb anx wDA snb (Varille 39 obv. 1); wa nb (Varille 39 rev. A 6); m mi.t.t (IFAO 1255 2, 5); mH (Varille 39 rev. A 7, 8); hAb (IFAO 1255 9, Varille 39 obv. 13) Incomplete: [...] di.t rx=tw (IFAO 1255 8)
Names/Titles: an. (pA aA n is.t ; Varille 39 rev. A 5); an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; Varille 39 obv. 13); an. (pA mnH 2; Varille 39 rev. A 7); an. (pA HA.t.y-a n Niw.t ; Varille 39 obv. 14); an. (pA 3 Hwty.w [...]; Varille 39 obv. 7); an. (Hm.t ; f.; Varille 39 rev. A 8); an. (nAy=sn Hm.w.t ; f.; IFAO 1255 5-6); Iw=f-r-ix (IFAO 1255 10); PA-aA-X.t (IFAO 1255 7, ~9#); PtH-m-Hb (IFAO 1255 9); MnTw-ms (Hr.y-mDAy ; Varille 39 obv. 9); nswt-bity Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra (king; temple of; IFAO 1255 3); 1r (sS ; Varille 39 obv. 14?); 6A-mri (geo.; Varille 39 rev. B 3) Incomplete: an. (pA aA [...]; Varille 39 obv. 4); [...] (im.y-r mSa n tA Hw.t nswt-bity Wsr-mAa.t-Ra Mry-Imn [...]; Varille 39 obv. 11-12); [...] Mn-s.t (IFAO 1255 ~4#); [...] -Htp (king; IFAO 1255 ~2#; see Remarks)
Remarks: Description, Publication: order of fragments Varille 39 obv. - IFAO 1255 - Varille 39 rev. A-B in Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 300-302 ; IFAO 1255 - Varille 39 obv. -rev. A in Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 309 and 310 . Contents: same events possibly recorded in O. DeM 00890 ( Grandet, Ostraca Deir el-Medineh IX, 64-65 ). For the identification of rev. text B see Ritter, GM 217 (2008), 83, and now Grandet, in: Aere Perennius . Names, Titles: name of king in IFAO 1255 line 2 [ MnTw-Htp ] according to Frandsen, JEA 75 (1989), 119-121 .

Record last updated 2016-07-07

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