O. Louvre E 13156
Other nos.: O. Anastasi; O. Louvre E 02425
Description: Limestone, 28 x 28 cm. Inscribed on one side in black ink, 9 lines. Complete. Correction by scribe in lines 1, 2, 9.
Classification: account : division
Keywords: apportioning - storehouse - StA. y. t
Provenance: Formerly in Bibliothèque Nationale.
Publication: Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 202-203, pls. 60-61 (photograph, transcription, description, translation, commentary, bibliography); David, Legal Register , 201-203 (transliteration, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 547-548 (transcription); E. Ledrain, Les monuments égyptiens de la Bibliothèque Nationale , Paris 1897, pl. 5 (facsimile); Spiegelberg, Studien und Materialien , 29 (transcription, translation); Helck, Materialien III, ( 338 ) and ( 339 ) (translation)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, Ramesses II ( David, Kitchen).
Contents: A transfer of property to the children of Nb-imn.t.t .
Terminology: ir n (3); nty im=f (3); nty n NN (5, 6); tp n pS pA wDA n NN n NN Hna NN (1, 5) ; tp n pS tA StA.y.t m pS 2 (5)
Names/Titles: an. ( mw.t of MAA.n=i and Imn-m-Ip.t ; f.; 7); As.t ( sA.t of Nb-Imn.t.t ; f.; 2); Imn-m-Ip.t (7); MAA.n=i (f.; 7); Nb-Imn.t.t (1); Nfr-Htp ( rmT-is.t ; 5, 8); 1w.t-ii ( anx n niw.t ; f.; 6); 1w.t-ii ( sn.t of Nfr-Htp ; f.; 9); 1nw.t-Dw.w (f.; 2)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2010-10-08

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