O. Prague H 23
Other nos.: O. Náprstek Museum P 3821
Description: Ostracon , material and dimensions unkown; inscribed on one side in black ink and red ink, 3 lines. Damaged: beginnings of lines 2-3 lost; see Remarks .
Classification: account : deficit
Keywords: water
Provenance: no indication
Publication: unpublished; Cern Notebook 26.30 (transcription); Cern Notebook 26 envelope (transcription)
Dates mentioned: II pr.t sw 6 r I Smw sw 6 (~2#)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: An account of a deficit of water.
Terminology: wDA.t n NN SAa Abd Y sw Y r Abd Y sw Y (1)
Names/Titles: Ipw (sS ; 1)
Remarks: Description: based on Cern Notebook 26.30; Cern Notebook 26 envelope.

Record last updated 2010-07-07

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