O. Vienna University Institute of Egyptology and African Studies
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery vase (rim) fragment, outside yellowish-green, inside red, 12 x 12.5 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink(?), obverse 7 lines, reverse 4 lines. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Damaged: unknown number lines lost at top of obverse, beginnings of obv. 1-7 lost, beginnings of rev. 1-4 lost, ends of obv. 1, and rev. 4 lost, unknown number of lines at reverse of bottom lost.
Classification: letter(?) - protocol(?) : deposition
Keywords: coffin - grain - message - woodwork - xtm
Provenance: -
Publication: Goedicke, WZKM 59/60 (1963/1964), 7-8, pl. XXI (facsimile, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 567-568 (transcription).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses III (Goedicke, Kitchen)
Contents: Text mentioning errands and the going to the xtm .
Terminology: hAb (obv. ~3#);
Names/Titles: MnTw-ms (Hr.y-mDAy ; obv. 7); 7A-aA (rev. 3); Incomplete; Pn-tA- [...] (rev. ~4#; possibly Pn-6A-wr.t ); [...]- ms (rev. ~4#; possibly Ra-ms, or Ms, or MnTw-ms )
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2001-11-05

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