O. Ashmolean Museum 0037
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0037; HO 26, 3
Description: Limestone, 13.5 x 13 cms (if facsimile in Hieratic Ostraca is on scale of 1:1). Two sides; obverse: ten lines and one additional line above l. 3; reverse: fourteen lines. Black ink. Damaged at the top and right edge of obverse and the top right and bottom left of reverse. Correction by the scribe in reverse line 3. Top obverse = top reverse.
Classification: journal : absence - event
Keywords: brewing - cattle - hut - illness - inactivity - stone-work
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 8 (description) and pl. 26-26A no. 3 (facsimile, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 446-447 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 181-182 (outline of content) ; Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 78-79, 154 (description, commentary, photograph)
Dates mentioned: I pr.t sw 10 + X (obv. ~1#); sw 15 + X (obv. ~3#); I pr. sw 26-27 (obv. 4-6); II pr.t sw 5 (obv. ~8#); sw 10 (?) (obv. ~9#); II pr.t sw 6-7 (?) (rev. 3-~3#); II pr.t sw 11 (rev. 7); II pr.t sw 13-14 (rev. 9-~10#)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, Siptah-Tausert ( Kitchen ); year 4 Siptah (Helck); early-mid years Siptah (Collier)
Contents: Journal recording absences and illnesses and the slaughtering of cattle.
Terminology: iw=f mr (obv. 7); aHa n NN (obv. , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, rev. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13); aHa n NN m wsf (rev. 5, 6); m a=f (obv. 10); m pAy=f Hb (rev. ~5#, 5); m Hb=f (obv. 9 < m >, 10); m tAy=f a.t (rev. 6); mr (obv. 1, above obv. 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, rev. 2, ~3#, 3, 8, 8); hrw pn (obv. 5); Tsy (obv. 5)
Names/Titles: Any (obv. 10); Imn-m-In.t (obv. ~3#, ~11#); aA-pH.t.y (rev. 5, 8); WAD-ms (rev. ~14#); PA-ym (rev. ~12#); PA-im.y-r-iH.w (obv. ~1#, 4, ~6#); PA-Sd sA Pn-nbw (rev. 6, 7); Nb-nfr sA Pn-nbw (obv. 5, 6, 13-[13 (?)]); Nx (obv. 3); Ra-ms (rev. 2, 3); Rt (obv. ~1#, 4, ~5#, 6, 8); 1y sA 1y-nfr (above obv. 3, 4-[5], 7, 8-[9]); 1r-m-wiA pA Sri (rev. 5, 10 - written 1r-wiA ); 1y-nfr (rev. 4); 1r-nfr (rev. 4); 1sy-sw-nb=f (obv. 3); 2Am (obv. 2); Ks (rev. 3, ~10#); Ks sA aA-pH.t.y (rev. 8); 6nr-MnTw (obv. 5, 9); Incomplete: [...] (obv. 10); [...]mn (rev. 4) ; BAy[...] ( sS ; rev. 9); PA-[...] (obv. 2); 1w.t [...] (rev. 2)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2023-11-06

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