O. Ashmolean Museum 0099 + O. BM EA 50734 + O. BM EA 50742 + O. Cairo CG 25673
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96019; O. Cairo SR 1149; O. Cairo prov. no. 14/12/21/11 + O. Gardiner 0099; HO 67, 1
Description: Limestone, various fragments forming three pieces numbered separately: BM (upper right part of text on obverse); Cairo (upper left) 18.5 x 8.5 cm, thickness 0.7 cm, consisting of three fragments; Ashmolean Museum 099 (bottom); see Remarks. Black ink, obverse 13 lines, reverse 7 lines, top obverse = bottom reverse. Correction by scribe in obv. 3. Damaged, beginning and end of obv. 13 lost, only traces of end of rev. 1, unknown number of lines lost between obv. 13 and rev. 1, writing effaced considerably.
Classification: letter
Keywords: document - message - slander - statue - village - xtm
Provenance: Cairo piece: Valley of Kings, workmen's houses between KV 17 (Seti I) and KV 21; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1907-1908; marks: Davis 1907-8. House zeta 7; zeta 9; zeta 9.a.; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 307 . BM pieces: purchased from M. Mohassib, 1912.
Publication: Černý, Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , 19, pls. LXVII and LXVIIA, no. 1 (description, transcription, facsimile); Borghouts, in: Gleanings from Deir el-Medina , 71-99 (translation, commentary); Černý, Ostraca Caire , 56, 75* and 76*, pls. LXXIII and LXXIV (description, transcription and facsimile of Cairo piece); Demarée, Ramesside Ostraca , 35, pls. 133 and 134 (description, transcription and photographs of Ashmolean and BM pieces); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 563 and 564 (transcription); Wente, Letters , 51, no. 57 (translation)
Dates mentioned: III Ax.t sw 6 (obv. 7-8)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Černý); mid-Dyn. 20 (Demarée); Ramesses III (Kitchen); Ramesses III or later (Wente); see Remarks
Contents: Letter from the deputy Imn-xa to "his lord" (presumably the vizier), reporting slackness (wiAwiA ) shown at the xtm , and the difficult position he finds himself in with respect to this event.
Terminology: m anx wDA snb m (obv. 2 - sic); NN Hr swDA ib n nb=f (obv. 1-2); r nty (obv. 3); r rdi.t rx=k rn=f (rev. 3); hAb (obv. 9, 10); hAb pw r rdi.t rx pAy=i nb (obv. 2); Sa.t (obv. 9)
Names/Titles: an. (AT.w.w ; rev. 6-7); an. (idn.w ; rev. 6); an. (wab n MAa.t ; obv. 8); an. (rwD.w.w ; obv. 3); an. (Hwty.w ; rev. 6); an. (TAty ; obv. 5); Imn-xa (idn.w n tA is.t ; obv. 1); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (ms-Hm ; rev. 3-4); pA dmi (geo.; rev. 2-3)
Remarks: Description: entire ostracon measures appr. 26 x 20 cm if drawn to scale in Černý, Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca , pls. LXVII and LXVIIA. Date(s) attributed: see also Borghouts, in: Gleanings from Deir el-Medina , 71.

Record last updated 2003-06-11

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