O. Ashmolean Museum 0100
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0100
Description: Material not known; 11 x 7.5 cms. Two sides; obverse: remains of five lines; reverse: remains of five lines and three of an older text. Damaged; probably broken on all sides. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Reverse palimpsest.
Classification: protocol(?) : division(?) - transfer
Keywords: apportioning - brick - document - junior
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 37.17 (description, transcription).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Obverse: obscure; reverse: fragmentary text which deals with the same dispute about inherited buildings as described in O. Ashmolean Museum 0103.
Terminology: m bAH=f (rev. 4); swD (obv. 2); Dd.t.n NN (rev. palimpsest 1)
Names/Titles: Incomplete: [...] ([...] n pA 2r (?); rev. palimpsest 2); [...] (rmT-is.t ; rev. palimpsest 2); [...] (Sad-xt ; rev. palimpsest 1)

Record last updated 2007-08-30

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