O. Ashmolean Museum 0226
Other nos.: O. Gardiner 0226
Description: Limestone, 8.5 x 17 cms. Two sides. Obverse: six lines; reverse: three very faint lines. Damaged on all sides. Black ink, with one figure in obv. line 4 and dmD (correction over another sign in red ink) in red ink. Top obverse = bottom reverse.
Classification: account : oath - payment
Keywords: basketry (?) - cakes (?) - grain - oath - payment - textile - woodwork (?)
Provenance: No indication
Publication: Unpublished; Černý Notebook 31.28 (description, transcription).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: -
Contents: Objects and their values in connection with a man Nfr-Htp .
Terminology: ir n (4, 4, 5, 5, 6); anx n nb anx wDA snb (rev. ~1#); tp n di.t swn.t=s n NN (2); dmD (6)
Names/Titles: Nfr-Htp (~1#, ~2#)
Remarks: Collated by Demaree-Donker van Heel on November 24, 1999.

Record last updated 2002-07-11

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