O. BTdK 839
Other nos.: O. KV 18/2.228
Description: Limestone, 9.2 x 105 cm, thickness 2.3 cm. Black ink, obverse 5 lines, reverse 2 lines. Damaged; beginnings and ends of obv. 2-5 lost; only traces of obv. 1 and rev. 1 and 2.
Classification: journal(?) : event
Keywords: -
Provenance: Valley of Kings, near KV 18 (Ramesses X). Findspot: A.SV.A3
Publication: Dorn, MDAIK 67 (2011), 49-51 (photograph and transcription of obverse; facsimile, description, transliteration, translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 (Dorn)
Contents: Remains of a journal text(?) recording unclear events.
Terminology: Incomplete: hrw tm [...] (obv. ~2#?)
Names/Titles: an. ( Hr.y ; obv. 3); an. ( pA sAw [...]; obv. 4)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2013-05-02

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