O. Berlin P 10618
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, no measurements presently available. Inscribed in black ink on one side, two columns, column I 2 lines (numbered 1-2), column II 4 lines (numbered 3-6). Damaged: upper right corner at the beginning of lines I 1 and II 3 chipped off.
Classification: account - list : name
Keywords: -
Provenance: Bought on the West Bank of Luxor.
Publication: Deir el Medine online, URL: http://dem-online.gwi.uni-muenchen.de (description, transcription, transliteration, translation, photograph and commentary); Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III, Leipzig 1911, pls. XXIX, XXIXa (description, facsimile, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 18 ( Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III).
Contents: A list of named men who make up a total of five persons.
Terminology: dmD (II 6)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-HA.t (I 2); PA-Xrd (II 5); Mn-tA (II 3); 4iA-m-Ra (II 4); Incomplete: [...] ti (I 1)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2010-10-18

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