O. Berlin P 10626
Other nos.: -
Description: Limestone, 18 x 14 cm. Inscribed on two sides; on obverse 19 lines and on reverse 8 lines in black and red ink. Top obverse = top reverse. Damaged; broken off at top right edge; beginning of obverse line 1 missing; surface much rubbed off and writing effaced in several lines on both obverse and reverse. Reverse palimpsest (numbers at the end of line 6 and below line 8).
Classification: account : payment
Keywords: basketry - copper - goat - grain - mat - payment - vegetables - wood - woodwork
Provenance: Acquired at Qurna (?).
Publication: Deir el Medine online, URL: http://dem-online.gwi.uni-muenchen.de (description, transcription, transliteration, translation, photograph and commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 (Deir el Medine online)
Contents: On obverse record of commodities given by [...] sA Imn-m-Ip.t to Hmw.w 4A-WAD.t as payment for a mAwD (see Remarks). A total in red ink is given as 38 deben (?). On reverse record of the amount of silver with 4A-WAD.t (12 1/2 deben ) and total of silver given to 2a-m-WAs.t (5 deben ): total 17 1/2 deben .
Terminology: ir n (obv. 5, 12, 14, 16, 18; rev. 2, 3); aHa n HD nty m di NN (rev. 4); wHm (obv. 8, 13, 14); wHm n NN (obv. 15); nty m di NN (rev. 6); dmD (obv. 19); dmD nty m di NN (obv. 17); dmD HD nb didy (rev. 7); [...] NN NN r DbA (obv. 1-2)
Names/Titles: 2a-m-WAs.t (obv. 15; rev. 6); 4A-WAD.t ( Hmw.w ; obv. 1-2; rev. 4 without title); 4bA (obv. 17). Incomplete: [...] sA Imn-m-Ip.t (obv. 1)
Remarks: Contents: for this object and its high price, see Janssen, Commodity Prices , 386-387.

Record last updated 2010-10-18

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