O. Berlin P 10631
Other nos.: -
Description: Pottery sherd, measurements presently not available. Inscribed in black ink on one side, 11 lines. Complete, but middle of line 8, ends of lines 7 and 8 effaced.
Classification: note : event - transfer
Keywords: arrival - basketry - beer - bread - cake - flowers - incense - jewelry - mat - menstruation - oil - plants - pottery - sandals - stone - tools - vegetables - woodwork(?)
Provenance: Bought on the West Bank of Luxor.
Publication: Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III, pls. XXXVI, XXXVIa (description, facsimile, transcription ; see Remarks ) ; David, Legal Register , 174 (partial transliteration and translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 ( David; Hieratische Papyrus Berlin III).
Contents: A note of the event of the coming in Hsmn (menstruation) of 1nw.t-wa.ti and goods given in association with this. Some items are also given "to him".
Terminology: rdy.t n=f (9); rdy.t n=s pA iw Hsmn n NN m Dr.t NN (1-2); rdy.t n=s m in... NN (8?)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-Ip.t (rmT-is.t ; 2; written: rmT rmT-ist Imn-m-Ip.t ); PA-sr (sS ; 8); 1nw.t-wa.ti (f.; 1?; written 1nw.t-wa )
Remarks: Publication: see Cern JEA 23 (1937), 60-62, for the transcription of lines 9-10.

Record last updated 2019-06-14

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