O. Cairo CG 25245
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96499; O. Cairo SR 01774
Description: Limestone, 30 x 31.5 cm. Inscribed on one side probably in black ink, 14 lines. Damaged: most of the text is effaced, only a few signs remain legible.
Classification: journal : delivery - labour
Keywords: firewood - pottery(?) - work
Provenance: Valley of Kings.
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 63-64, pl LI (photograph, description, transcription); see Remarks.
Dates mentioned: II pr.t sw 30 (~1# ; see Remarks); II pr.t sw [...] (~2#, ~3#); III pr.t sw 25 (~4#); III pr.t sw [...] (~5#); IV pr.t sw [...] (~6#, ~7#); sw ? 20 (~10#); [...] Smw sw 1 (~11#); I Smw sw 5 (~13#); I Smw sw 9 (~14#)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: A journal of deliveries of firewood and pottery(?).
Terminology: bAk (11, ~12#); swD NN (~9#, ~10#); Ssp m Dr.t Abd ? sw ? (~2#, ~3#, 4, ~6#, ~7#, ~8#, ~9#, ~14#); Ssp m Dr.t NN (5, ~11#, ~12#); Incomplete: Ssp m Dr.t [...] (1, 10); Ssp m Dr.t [...] Abd ? sw ? (13)
Names/Titles: PA-r (od ; ~5#); PA-Hnn.y (idn.w ; ~10#); Incomplete: PA- [...] (od ; 12); Pn- [...] (9); [...] (od ; 11); [...] (1?)
Remarks: Publication: a revised transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.3. Date(s) mentioned: follow the transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.3.

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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