O. Cairo CG 25301
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 11929
Description: Pottery sherd, 6.5 x 13 cm. Inscribed on two adjacent sides probably in black ink, side I 4 lines, side II 5 lines. Top side I = top side II. Damaged: beginnings of side I 1,4 lost, end of side I 1 lost, ends of side II 3-4 lost, only traces remain of side II 5.
Classification: journal : absence - event
Keywords: firewood - gang - inactivity - lamp - woodwork
Provenance: Valley of Kings.
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 77, pl. LVIII (photograph (side II), description, transcription); see Remarks.
Dates mentioned: [...] sw 8 (side I 1; possibly II pr.t sw 8, or II pr.t sw 7; see Remarks); sw 11 (side I 3); II pr.t sw 13 (side II 1); IV pr.t sw 6 (side II 3-4)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: A journal of shortage in lamps and wood deliveries.
Terminology: iw NN wsf (side I 1-2; without wsf ?: side I 3); r a NN (side I 4?, side II 4?)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-Ip.t (side I 4, side II 4); Nfr-Hr (side I 3); 2nsw (side I 4?); 6A (side I ~1#); Incomplete: Ns- [...] (side II 4)
Remarks: Publication: a revised transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.41. Date(s) mentioned: reading II pr.t sw 8 (side I 1) or II pr.t sw 7 (side I 1) is by Černý, Notebook 101.41.

Record last updated 2003-03-12

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