O. Cairo CG 25302
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 12245
Description: Limestone, 12 x 44 cm. Inscribed on one side in red ink, 2 columns: column I 5 lines, column II 7 lines. Damaged: beginning of I 1 lost, ends of I 2, 5 lost, middle of II 6 effaced.
Classification: journal : absence (? see Remarks) - event
Keywords: arrival - donkey - gang - passing (guard posts) - river-bank
Provenance: Valley of Kings.
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 77-78 (description, transcription); see Remarks; Černý, Community of Workmen , 93 (translation of I 2-5, II 4-5).
Dates mentioned: [...] pr.t sw 3 (I 1); III pr.t sw 10 (II 2)
Dates attributed: -
Contents: A note on a search party to the river-bank, and on the arrival of the two policemen at the entrance of the Valley.
Terminology: s 1 wA.w (I 2); hrw pn ii in NN (II 3-4); hrw pn Sm r mry.t m tA In.t in NN (I ~1-3#)
Names/Titles: an. (wa Sri ; I 5); an. (pA mDAy 2; II 4); an. (rmT-is.t 32; I 3); an. (rmT s.t ; f.; I 5; see Remarks); Imn-nxt (sS ; I ~2#); mry.t (geo.; I 2); Nfr-htp (AT.w ; I 3) Xnw (geo.; I 4); tA In.t (geo.; I 2, II 5: r n tA In.t )
Remarks: Publication: a revised transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.80. Classification: s 1 wAw (I 3) is translated "one man absent", by Černý, Community of Workmen , 93. This translation is put to question by Janssen, Village Varia , 91. Names, Titles: the reading an. (f.; rmT s.t ; I 5) was preferred to an initial reading rmT aA by Černý, Notebook 101.80

Record last updated 2003-07-01

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