O. Cairo CG 25310
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 12321
Description: Limestone, 5.5 x 38 cm. Inscribed on one side in red ink, 2 lines. Damaged: beginning of line 1 effaced, middle of line 2 lost, end of line 2 lost.
Classification: note : event
Keywords: gang - hearing - message - Necropolis
Provenance: Valley of Kings.
Publication: Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 151 (transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 455 (revised transcription); Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 80 (description, transcription).
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, Ramesses IV (Kitchen)
Contents: A note on the high-priest of Amon-Ra Ra-ms-sw-nxt ordering a hearing of the gang.
Terminology: hAb (2); sDm r n tA is.t (1)
Names/Titles: Ra-ms-sw-nxt (Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTrw ; ~1#; see Remarks)
Remarks: Names, Titles: the reconstruction: Hm-nTr tp.y n Imn-Ra-nswt-nTrw (~1#), by Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VII, 455. See also Černý, Community of Workmen , 195 n. 8.

Record last updated 2005-06-01

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