O. Cairo CG 25363
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 12067
Description: Limestone, 16 x 12 cm. Inscribed on one side probably in black ink, 10 lines. Damaged: only traces remain of line 1, ends of lines 2-4, 9 lost, only a few signs remain of line 10.
Classification: account : deficit - expense - name - portion
Keywords: grain(?)
Provenance: Valley of Kings, Tomb KV 6 (Ramesses IX).
Publication: Daressy, Ostraca Caire , 94, pl. LXI (photograph, description); see Remarks.
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: - (see Remarks)
Contents: An account of unspecified commodities provided in amounts of sacks to named workmen, with noted remainders and deficits.
Terminology: wDA.t (10); mn (7; probably: mn=f ; see Remarks) hAw m-im ( 7; written hAw im ); di.t n pA 3 rmT-is.t r mH ? (8)
Names/Titles: an. (pA aA ; 9); an. (pA 3 rmT-is.t ; 8); an. (sAw ; ~10#); Imn-wa (2); Imn-nxt (3); PA-aA-nxt (5); PA-knf (4) Pn-6A-wr.t (3); Nb-nfr sA 1Ay (6); Nfr-Hr sA Ipwy (5); Nxt-Mnw (4) 1r (2); Incomplete / illegible: PA -[...] (3); 2a- [...] (2; 2a-m-WAs.t ?); 4bA -[...] (6)
Remarks: Publication: transcription by Černý, Notebook 101.20. Date(s) attributed: dyn. 20 on account of the names (Demaree). Terminology: reading mn=f (?) (7) by Černý, Notebook 101.20.

Record last updated 2024-07-08

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