O. Cairo CG 25504 | |
Other nos.: | O. Cairo JE 51515 + O. Cairo JE 50340 f + O. Cairo [unnumbered]; O. Cairo SR 01435 |
Description: | Limestone, 23 x 38 cms. Damaged (numerous pieces) Two sides. Obverse: remains of two columns in black ink, of 9 and 11 lines. Reverse: four colums in black ink, of 11, 14, 5 (to the left of I 10-14) and 2 lines (to the left of III 1-2). Obverse is palimpsest. Top obverse = bottom reverse. Of obverse I 1-9 only the endings of the lines remain, II is damaged, a large lacuna running through the middle of each line. Of reverse I the first parts of the lines are missing, in II damage occurs in practically every line, whereas III and IV are very fragmentary. Correction by the scribe in obverse, II 7 and 8, reverse, I 2, 5, II 1, 4. |
Classification: | account - journal : delivery - event - labour |
Keywords: | alabaster - arrival - beans - beer - bread - cakes - cattle - coffin - departure - fish - funeral - gang - meat - message - natron - Necropolis - oil - reward - salt - storehouse - textile - Valley - Valley of Kings - vegetables - wood - woodwork - working - bSA (?) - xtm |
Provenance: | Valley of Kings; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1905-1906; mark: X (northeast of KV 13 at base of cliffs); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 101 n. 64 and 298. |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Caire , 2 (description), 2*-3* (transcription), pl. II (photograph); Daressy, ASAE 27 (1927), 167-168 II-III (transcription of part); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 155-158 (transcription); Wimmer, Hieratische Palaeographie 1, 40-41 (transcription of obverse; but see Wimmer, Hieratische Palaeographie 1, 22); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 223-225 no. 173 (translation of obv. II 6-10 and rev. II 1-III 5); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 87-88 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 7 III Ax.t sw 11-23 (obv. II 1-6); rnp.t-sp 7 IV Smw sw 13-19 (obv. II 7-11); rnp.t-sp 7 IV Smw sw 20 (rev. I ~8# (?)); rnpt.-sp 8 II Ax.t sw 13-20 (rev. II 1-9) |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 19, year 7 Merenptah (Černý, Kitchen, Wimmer, Helck) ; and year 8 Merenptah (Helck) |
Contents: | Obverse I: (dragging of the) nTr.w of BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn (Merneptah) supervised by i.a. the vizier PA- N Hs . y ; Obverse II 1-5: the gang is rewarded; Obverse II 6: dragging of the nTr.w of BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn (Merneptah) supervised by i.a. the vizier PA- N Hs . y ; Obverse II 7-11: a high commission headed by vizier PA-NHs.y arrives to supervise the transport of the coffins of the king. The gang receives rewards (II 11, continued on reverse); Reverse I 1-7: supplies taken from (?) the storehouse, evidently the rewards for the gang; I 8-9: the vizier PA-NHs.y and his commission depart northwards; Reverse II: announcing of the arrival of a high commission, amongst whom a vizier Pn-4xm.t carrying a letter of the king. The commission arrive, but without the vizier, who arrives two days later. Some work is done on a coffin; rewarding of the gang. |
Terminology: | ii ir.n NN (obv. II 1 (?), 7, ~9#; in hrw pn ii ir.n NN ); wp st or wp sn ( rev. I 4 (?); spelled wp ); bAk (rev. II 7); mi.t.y (rev. II 4); rdi.t n=sn (obv. II 2, ~4#, 11); hrw pn (obv. II 6, 7, 9, rev. I 8, II 1); xd in NN (rev. I 8-~9#); spr ir.n NN (rev. II 1); Tsy r 4x.t (obv. II 8); |
Names/Titles: | an. ( im.y-r pr-HD ; obv. II 5); an. ( im.y-r Hmw.w ; rev. II 7); an. ( Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; obv. II 10, rev. II 3, 4, 5) ; an . ( Hwty.w ; rev. II 3, 5) Inpw-m-Hb (sS ; rev. II 1); nswt-bity BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn ( king ; obv. I ~2#-~3#, II ~6#); PA-NHs.y (im.y-r Niw.t TAty) (obv. I 5, II 6, 6 (only TAty ), 10 (id.), rev. I ~9#); PA-sr (sS ; rev. II 1); Pn-pA-iw (sS ; obv. II 10, rev. I 11 (or Pn-pA-mr )); Pn-Rnnw.t (wbA ; obv. I 6); Pn-4xm.t (TAty ; rev. 3, 5); Mr.n-PtH 1tp-Hr-mAa.t (king; obv. I ~4#); Mry-PtH (im.y-r pr-HD ; rev. II 3-4); Nxt-Mnw (Hr.y-mDAy ; rev. II 1-2); Ra-ms-sw-m-pr-Ra (wbA ; obv. II 9, rev. I 10); Rm (im.y-r Hmw.w ; obv. I 9, rev. II 2); 1y (sS n Hw.t-nbw ; rev. II, 4, 6, 6 (name only); 1r (Hr.y-mDAy ; rev. II 2); 4x.t (geo.; obv. II ~8#, 10, rev. II 7 ); Knr (sS ; obv. I 8); 7Ay (im.y-r pr-HD ; obv. I 7, II ~1#); |
Remarks: | For the scribe of this text, see Donker van Heel, Haring, Writing in a Workmen's Village , 53 n. 60. |