O. Cairo CG 25515
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 47928 + O. Cairo JE 50340 d-e; O. Cairo SR 01445
Description: Limestone, 27 x 40 cms. Damaged (numerous pieces). Two sides. Obverse: 7 colums in black ink, of 28, 31, 27, 30, 31, 26 and 25 lines. Col. VII 20-25 in red ink. Reverse: six columns numbered I-III- IV a, V-VI, of 18, 28, 29, 11, 16 and 14 lines. Above col. IV a - VI there is a col. IV of 5 lines. Below cols IV-VI there is 1 line written upside down. Damage occurs in tops of obverse cols I-III and in the middle of col. V; on reverse the lower halfs of IV a and V-VI are much mutilated, as is the left side of col. IV. Correction by the scribe in obverse I 1, 17, III 25, IV 2, 5, V 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Strikethrough by the scribe in obverse I 6, 16, II 4, III 4, above V 13, reverse, II 15, 15, 17, IV a 11. A line divides the heading from cols V-VI on the reverse.
Classification: account - journal : absence - delivery - event - labour - name - portion
Keywords: accession - arrival - boat - commissioning - document - gang - grain rations - inactivity - king's death - lamp - message - tools - Valley of Kings - wages - working
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1905-1906; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 112 n. 2 and 297.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 7 (description), 11*-12* (transcription), pl. VIII-IX (photograph); Daressy, Rec.Trav. 34 (1912), 39-52 (transcription, but not of JE 50340 d-e, which were added later); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 322-327 and 382-384 (transcription); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 205-206 no. 154 (translation of rev. II 21-III 9 and V 1-2); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 141-147 (translation of obverse and reverse I-II 9), 140, 160-163 (outline of part of content)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 6 II Smw sw 16-30 (obv. I 1-22); rnp.t-sp 6 III Smw sw 1-30 (obv. I 23 - II 26); rnp.t-sp 6 IV Smw sw 1-30 (obv. II 27 - III 25); epagomenal day 1-5 (obv. III 26, 27, IV 2, 3, 4); I Ax.t sw 1-30 (obv. IV 5 - V 2); II Ax.t sw 1-30 (obv. V 3 - VI 9); rnp.t-sp 6 III Ax.t sw 1-30 (obv. VI 10 - VII 15); IV Ax.t sw 1-10 (obv. VII 16-25); IV Ax.t sw 11-30 (rev. I 1 - II 2); rnp.t-sp 6 I pr.t sw 1-30 (rev. II 4 - III 16); rnp.t-sp 1 II pr.t sw 1-25 (rev. III 17 - IVa 11); rnp.t-sp 1 I pr.t sw 29 (rev. IV 1); rnp.t-sp 1 I pr.t sw 24 (rev. IV 4); rnp.t-sp 1 IV pr.t sw 21 (rev. IV 5); rnp.t-sp 6 IV pr.t sw 16 (rev. upside down)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19, year 6 Seti II - year 1 Siptah ( Černý, Kitchen, Helck )
Contents: Roster of gang working, idling, absence. Events: the vizier PA-Ra-m-Hb arrives to instruct the gang (obverse I 1-5); arrival of draughtsmen and chisellers (obv. V 4-5); arrival of the chief policeman Nxt-Mnw to announce the death of Seti II and the accession of a new king (reverse, II 22-28); mourning (reverse, III 6); arrival of the chief policeman Nxt-Mnw and 2nsw-m-Hb to announce the death of Seti II and the accession of a new king , arrival of 2nsw-m-Hb with a letter of the vizier about extra rations, the issu ing of tools (reverse, IV); work starts for the new king Siptah (reverse, V 1-2); foreman PA-nb receives wicks/lamps (reverse, upside down)
Terminology: ii ir.n NN (obv. I ~2#, rev. II ~22#-~23#, V ~3#, in hrw n ii ir.n NN ); iw (obv. I 8, II 7, 17, 21, 29, III 7, 17, V 4, VII 12, 21, ~23#, rev. I , 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, II 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 (crossed out), 17 (crossed out), 18, 19, 20, III, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (over or under aHa ), 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, IV a ~1#, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, V 4, 5, 15, VI 12); iw=w wsf (obv. VI 15-23, VII 11, 17, 20, rev. V 3); iw=w bAk (obv. VI 4, VII 3, 12, 13, 18, 19); iw r bAk (obv. I 18, 26, IV 6 ( iw Abd ? r bAk ), V 11 (id.), VI 1 (id.), 13, VII 18 (id.), 19 (id.), rev. I ~1# (id.), 4 (id.), ~6# (id.), 8, III 8-9); iw r 4x.t (obv. II ~10#, rev. III 7-8); iw gs n tA is.t wsf (obv. V ~19#, 26); iw gs n tA is.t bAk (obv. V ~16#, 27 (?)); iw gs Hr bAk (obv. V ~20# (?) iw tA is.t wsf (obv. V 5, 18, 28, 31); iw tA is.t Hr wsf (rev. III 1); aHa (obv. I 7, 9, 16 (crossed out), 21, II 5, 15, 23, 25, III 3, 4 (crossed out), 13, 21, V 7, VI 6, 15, VII 4, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, rev. I 3, ~5#, 9, 10, 15, 16, II 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15 (crossed out), 15 (crossed out), 15, 16, 17, 21, III 4-5, 15 (over or under iw ), 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, IV a 5, V ~7#, ~8#, ~9#, 16, VI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ~8#, 9, 10, 11, 13); wsf (obv. I 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, [24] (?), 25, II 6, III 6, 13, IV 9, V 1, 3, 10, VI 24, [25], [26], VII [2], 4,14, 15, rev. III 17); bAk (in nA sS.w-od Hr bAk ; obv. V 23 (), VI ~1#, 2); m (obv. I ~27#); hrw pn bAk ( obv. I 20 ); hrw n wsf ( obv. II 1, IV 5 (?) ); hrw n bAk (obv. I ~8#, II 1, 4 (crossed out)); hrw n sHn (rev. V 1); hrw n di.t nA xA.w n tA is.t (rev. IV ~5#); sHn r pA bAk (?) (rev. V ~1#); sHn tA is.t (obv. I 5); Sa.t (rev. IV ~4#); Ssp di.w (rev. I 5; in iw (?) Ssp di.w ); dmD (obv. V ~1#, 10)
Names/Titles: an. (sS-od ; obv. V 4 (plur.), 23 (plur.)); an. (TAy-mDA.t ; obv. V 5 (plur.), 22 (plur.)); As.t (deity (in epagomenal days); obv. IV 3); Wsir (deity (in epagomenal days); obv. III 26); PA-mdw-Sps-n-Imn (ship; rev. IV 4-5; see Remarks) PA-nb (aA n is.t ; rev. upside down); PA-Ra-m-Hb (im.y-r Niw.t TAty ; obv. I ~2-3#, reverse, IV 4 (only TAty ); PA-Sd (sS ; obv. I 4); Nb.t-Hw.t (f.; deity (in epagomenal days); obverse, IV 4); Nxt-Mnw (Hr.y-mDAy ; rev. II ~24#, IV 2); 1r (deity (in epagomenal days); obv. III 27); 2nsw-m-Hb (rev. IV ~2#, 4); 4xa.n-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb nb-xa.w Ra-ms-sw 4A-PtH anx wDA snb (king; rev. V ~2#); 4x.t (geo.; obv. I 3, II 10, rev. III 8 ); 4tX (deity (in epagomenal days); obv. IV 2); 4tX (king; rev. II 26, IV 3; written 4tX.y )
Remarks: Names, titles: for PA-mdw-Sps-n-Imn , cf. O. Cairo CG 25648, ~1#? For the scribe of this text, see Donker van Heel, Haring, Writing in a Workmen's Village , 53-64.

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