O. Cairo CG 25533
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 50357; O. Cairo SR 01221; O. Cairo prov. 29/12/21/18
Description: Limestone, 14 x 14.5 cms. Damaged (two pieces). Two sides. Obverse: 15 lines; reverse: 17 lines. Black ink, very rubbed off at some spots. Lines may have lost the beginning, the middle or the end, but mostly a combination of two or three occurs. Correction by the scribe in reverse, 9.
Classification: account - journal : absence - delivery - event - labour - name - portion
Keywords: brewing - feast - grain - grain rations - illness - inactivity - passing (guard posts) - term - woodwork - working - grg tni.t
Provenance: Valley of Kings; excavations Th. Davis; see Remarks
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 15 (description), 31* (transcription), pl. XXI (facsimile); Dorn, in: Living and Writing in Deir el-Medine , 80 and 81 (facsimile, transcription, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 175-177 (transcription); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 384, 385, 386 (outline of content)
Dates mentioned: sw 21 (obv. 2); sw 25-28 (obv. 7-11); IV Smw sw 3-6 (obv. ~13# - rev. ~5#); IV Smw sw 8 (rev. ~7#); IV Smw sw 21-22 (rev. 9-10); IV Smw sw 24- 25 (rev. ~11#, 11); IV Smw sw 28 (rev. ~13#); I Ax.t sw 3 (rev. 15); summarizing: III Smw sw 21 - I Ax.t sw 3
Dates attributed: F irst half dyn. 20 (Černý) ; Ramesses IV (Kitchen) ; year 3 Ramesses IV (Helck)
Contents: Absence / idleness of individual workmen; passing the guard posts because of arrears in grain rations; event: aHa.n di.t pr.y nA bty r in=w (reverse, 4); aHa r grg tni.t (reverse, 9)
Terminology: iw=w wsf (obv. 10); iw=w bAk (rev. 10); ir n (rev. 10, 15); wA.w (rev. 6 (in wA.w n ), 8 (id.)); see Remarks; bAk (obv. 6, ~8#, ~9# (?), ~11#, 12, 14, rev. 6); m mi.t.t (rev. ~13#); mr (rev. 3, 5, 5, 8, ~12#); n (neg.; obv. 5, rev. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 11); nfr.y.t r (rev. ~9#); di.w (rev. 10); di.t di.w (rev. above 9)
Names/Titles: Imn-m-Ip.t (obv. 5, rev. ~11#, ~12#); Imn-Niw.t-nxt (obv. ~2#); Imn-nxt (sS ; rev. 6); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra 4tp.n-Ra anx wDA snb (king; obv. ~11#); BAk (obv. 9); PA-idH.w (obv. 10, rev. 7, ~8#, ~14#; see Remarks); PA-mdw-nxt (rev. 7, 11, ~14#); Pn-6A-wr.t (obv. 6, ~8#, ~9#, ~12#, ~13#, rev. 6); MAA.n=i-nxt=f (obv. ~5#, 6, ~9#, rev. 5); Mnw-xa (obv. ~8#, 12, rev. 8); Nb-nxt (rev. 5); Nfr-Hr (obv. ~2#, 7, 11, rev. 3); Nfr-Htp (obv. ~7#, 11); Nxw-m-Mw.t (aA n is.t ; rev. 6); Nxw-m-Mw.t sA Imn-xa (rev. 9); Nxt-Mnw (rev. 11); Ns-Imn (obv. ~13#, rev. 7); Ra-mry (obv. ~10#, ~12#, 14, rev. 10); RSw-ptr=f (obv. 10, rev. 3, 5, 7, 8); 1w.t-1r (f.; deity; obv. ~8#); 1nr.y (f.; rev. 12); 2a-m-Nwn (obv. 3); 2ay (sAw ; rev. 13); On-Hr-xpS=f (obv. ~4#, 5); Ks (obv. ~3#); 6A-sp-sn (obv. 6, ~12#, ~14#, rev. 4)
Remarks: Provenance: see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 292-321, with figs. 96-97 on p. 300 and 302, showing some of the site designations used by Davis. Terminology: for wA.w (n) , see Janssen, Village Varia, 91. Names, Titles: written PA-iHw and PA-iHw.tw .

Record last updated 2012-07-13

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