O. Cairo CG 25565 | |
Other nos.: | O. Cairo JE 96092; O. Cairo SR 01235; O. Cairo Černý prov. 151 |
Description: | Limestone, 9.5 x 12.0 cms. Damaged. One side, with 4 lines in black ink. The endings of l. 2-4 are lost as well as several signs and groups because of chips having come off the ostracon. |
Classification: | journal : event |
Keywords: | arrival - Necropolis - reward - snT |
Provenance: | Valley of Kings; Davis/Jones excavations 1908-1909; mark: House J.2 (in front of Horemheb KV 57?); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 309. |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Caire , 24 (description), 47* (transcription), pl. XXXII (facsimile); Hao, JAC 26 (2011), 93 (description, transcription, transliteration, translation); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 394, 395 (translation) ; Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 142-143 (transcription) |
Dates mentioned: | rnp.t-sp 5 III Ax.t sw 21 (~1#); IV Ax.t sw 7 (~3#) |
Dates attributed: | D yn. 20 (Černý) ; Ramesses IV (Kitchen) ; year 5 Ramesses IV (Hao, Helck) |
Contents: | Arrival of a butler of the king to give reward to the crew; about a fortnight later the vizier Nfr-rnp.t arrives to lay out the plan of the king's tomb. |
Terminology: | ii in NN (~1#, ~3#); |
Names/Titles: | Nfr-rnp.t (im.y-r Niw.t TAty ; ~3#); 4tX-Hr-wnmy=f (wbA-nswt ; ~2#; 4tX written 4ti ) |
Remarks: | Read snT instead of snn (4)? |