O. Cairo CG 25577
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 50330; O. Cairo SR 01282
Description: Limestone, 23 x 14 cms. Damaged. One side with 16 lines in black ink. L. 1-2 are broken away in the middle, l. 15-16 are too pale to read.
Classification: list - note : name
Keywords: storehouse - working
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis/Carter excavations 1902; mark: B.N. / Davis 1902 / 2 (encircled); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 293.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 28 (description), 51* (transcription), pl. XL (photograph)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 14 (~1#)
Dates attributed: E nd dyn. 20 - beginning dyn 21 (Černý)
Contents: List of names of 16 men, some of whom are reported to work on/in a storehouse of Ramesses IV, and on a floor (iwtn ).
Terminology: nty bAk m pA iwtn (6)
Names/Titles: I.ir=f-sxpr (12); Ipwy (9; written Iwpwy ); Imn-m-WAs.t-ii (13); aDr (7); PA-sry-Sri (14); Pn-PA-Ra (8); Pn-ty (11); or Pn-mn.y (?); see Remarks; MnTw-sanx (4); Nfr-Imn sA Imn-Htp (2); Nfr-Imn sA anx=tw (5); 1oA-mAa.t-Ra ( king ; 1; see Remarks ); 2nsw-ms (10); 4Da (3); KA.t (2) Incomplete: Imn-m-tA-Hw.t-[...] (2); PA-[...] (16); 1r sA [...] (15)
Remarks: 1oA-mAa.t-Ra (Ramesses IV (?); 1; not in dating but in connection with a storehouse. Names, Titles: read Pn-mn . y by Černý.

Record last updated 2005-06-03

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