O. Cairo CG 25593
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96099; O. Cairo SR 01243
Description: limestone, 24 x 10 cms. Damaged. Two sides. Obverse: 27 lines, of which l. 19-27 form a second colums next to l. 10-18. Obverse is palimpsest; reverse: 2 lines, partly covered by a modern inkspot. Black ink. On obverse l. 8-16 are damaged at the beginning, l. 19, 21-23 and 26 at the end. Top obverse = top reverse.
Classification: account - list : delivery - name
Keywords: beer - dates - firewood - fish - pottery - side (of gang)
Provenance: Valley of Kings; Davis/Ayrton excavations 1905-1906; mark: N.Tb. 5 (KV 47 Siptah); see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 298.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 33 (description), 56* (transcription), pl. XLIX (facsimile); Collier, Dating Late XIXth Dynasty Ostraca , 69-70, 156 (description, commentary); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 177 (outline of content) ; Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 421 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: III Smw sw 20 (obv. ~1#); III Smw sw 21 (obv. ~7#)
Dates attributed: S econd half dyn. 19 (Černý) ; Siptah - Tausert (Kitchen) ; year 2 Siptah (Helck); after year 5 Siptah (Collier)
Contents: Deliveries to the right and left sides of various commodities.
Terminology: n wnmy (obv. 2, ~4#, 5, 8); n smHy (rev. 1); smHy (obv. 19); Ssp bAk.w n pA od (rev. ~2#); ditto (obv. 8)
Names/Titles: an. (pA od ; rev. ~2#); Ipwy (obv. 20); Imn-m-In.t (~26#); aA-nxt.w (obv. 25); BAk-n-Mw.t (obv. ~8#); PA-im.y-r-iH.w (obv. 13); PA-wbx-nw (obv. 11); Nb-Ra (obv. 5); Nxt-sw (obv. 24); Ra-wbn (obv. 15); Rt (obv. ~22#); 1Ay (aA n is.t ; obv. 19); 1y-nfr (obv. 17); 1r-m-wiA (obv. ~23#); 1r-nfr (obv. 10); 1sy-sw-nb=f (obv. ~16#); 2Am.y (obv. ~21#); 2a-m-sbA.w (obv. 27); 2nsw (obv. 12); 2nsw-ms (obv. 2); 4tX (obv. 4; written 4tX.y ); Ks sA Ra-ms (obv. 18); 6nr-MnTw (obv. 14);
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2011-07-08

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