O. Cairo CG 25670 | |
Other nos.: | O. Cairo JE 50248 |
Description: | Limestone, 20.5 x 22 cm. Red ink, obverse two columns: col. I 11 lines, col. II 7 lines, reverse 5 lines. Complete. |
Classification: | account - letter |
Keywords: | basketry(?) - beans - grain - house - message - natron - stone utensils - vegetables - village - wood - woodwork - inr n gf |
Provenance: | Abydos, excavations by E.R. Ayrton, C.T. Currelly, and A.E.P. Weigall, 1904(?); see Remarks |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Caire , 55, 75*, pl. LXXII (description, transcription, photograph); Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri , 67 and 68 (no. 34) (translation, commentary); E.R. Ayrton, C.T. Currelly and A.E.P. Weigall, Abydos III, London 1904, 38, 54, pl. LIV-LV (facsimile, transcription, translation of obv. I 1-3, 8, 11, obv. II 2, 3, and rev., commentary); McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt , 66-67 no. 38 (translation); L. Meskell, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 5.3 (1998), 237 (translation reproduced from Wente, commentary); Wente, Letters , 138 no. 170 (translation) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 19 or Dyn. 20 (Černý); Dyn. 19 (Wente); see Remarks |
Contents: | Obverse: account of objects left behind by an anonymous person in "the village". Reverse: note about items held by PA-Sd and 5ri.t-Ra , and a message for the latter about one Imn-m-wiA taking care of the house of the sender. |
Terminology: | nty m a NN (rev. 1-2); hAb (rev. 5); sS (rev. 2); ky Dd n NN (rev. 3); di.t rx=k nA n Hn.w iso m-di=i m pA dmi (obv. 1-2) |
Names/Titles: | Imn-m-wiA (rev. 4); PA-Sd (rev. 1); 5ri.t-Ra (f. ; rev. 2, 3) |
Remarks: | Provenance: found among the remains of the workmen's settlement at Abydos according to E.R. Ayrton, C.T. Currelly and A.E.P. Weigall, Abydos III, London 1904, 54. In view of the names and content, however, the text may be related to the community of workmen at Deir el-Medina. Dates attributed: dating to Dyn. XVIII by W. Spiegelberg (in E.R. Ayrton, C.T. Currelly and A.E.P. Weigall, Abydos III, London 1904, 38) is very unlikely. |