O. Cairo CG 25677 | |
Other nos.: | O. Cairo JE 95617; O. Cairo Carnarvon 152 |
Description: | Limestone, 30 x 23 cm. Inscribed on two sides, black and red ink, obverse 30 lines arranged in two columns (linea 21-30 to the left of 8-17) and four lines added later (3a, 8a, 8b, 16a); reverse 45 lines arranged in four columns; many lines on obverse and reverse preceded by black or red dots, or by both; top obverse = top reverse. Handwriting extremely cursive (see Remarks). Corrections by scribe in obv. 23, rev. 5, 14. Damaged; ends of rev. 2 and 27 lost, only traces of rev. 25 and 26; writing quite pale at places. |
Classification: | account : transfer |
Keywords: | alabaster - basketry - bronze - cakes - door - faience - fish - flowers - fruit - galena - goat - grapes - honey - incense - mat - meat - metalwork - oil - plants - pottery(?) - reed - sandals - seal - seed - stone vessels - straw - textile - vegetables - wood - woodwork - irr - snni - Sby - dHty |
Provenance: | Valley of Kings, valley between KV 7 (Ramesses II) and KV 9 (Ramesses VI); Carnarvon/Carter excavations 1917-1918; mark: 152; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 325. |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Caire , 57, 77* and 78*, pl. LXXV (description, transcription, photographs); Janssen, in: Ramesside Studies , 237-242, 244-279 (transcription, translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 175 and 176 (transcription) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | second half Dyn. 19 (Černý); Merenptah ( Janssen, Kitchen) |
Contents: | List of items given to the lady 2Ay-Sb by a number of persons. |
Terminology: | wp st (obv. 2); wHm (obv. 3); wHm rdy.t n=f (obv. 3); wHm rdy.t n=s (obv. 5); nA ix.t iny.t Ab.w.t r Dr (? rev. 44-45 - see Remarks); rdy.t n NN (obv. 1); rdy.t n=s (obv. 4); dmD (obv. 5, 6, 18, 22) |
Names/Titles: | Wn-nfr (rmT-is.t ; 4); PA-HA.t.y-a (or an. (pA HA.t.y-a )? obv. 3, 3a; see Remarks); PA-sr (sS ; obv. 2); 2Ay-Sb (anx n niw.t ; f.; obv. 1) |
Remarks: | Description: handwriting same as O. CG 25678, 25679 and 25680 (Černý). This text was written by Qenhirkhopshef; see Donker van Heel, Haring, Writing in a Workmen's Village , 41-48 . Terminology: nA ix.t iny.t Ab.w.t r Dr (? rev. 44-45) ; cf. O. Cairo CG 25678 obv. 7. Names, Titles: for PA-HA.t.y-a (proper name) or pA HA.t.y-a "the mayor" see Davies, Who's Who , 53, note 677; Sabek, ZÄS 129 (2002), 78, note 32. The writing with or without determinative is unconclusive (see the refs. given by H. Ranke, Die aegyptischen Personennamen I, Glü ckstadt , 1935 , xxii, 115, 12; II, Glückstadt - Hamburg, 1952, 354). |