O. Cairo CG 25705 + O. IFAO 01322 + O. Varille 38 | |
Other nos.: | O. Cairo JE 96159; O. Cairo SR 01309 |
Description: | Large pottery vase fragment with neck and one handle, in 13 fragments (Cairo fragment yellow-brown pottery, 9 x 9 cm). Black ink, one side, 16 lines (see Remarks); last part of line 16 written in larger characters than previous text. Damaged; ends of lines 2-5, 9 lost, gaps in lines 13 and 14. |
Classification: | account : portion - transfer - name |
Keywords: | beer(? see Remarks) - bread - drinking - feast - oil - vessel |
Provenance: | IFAO fragment: Deir el-Medina, Grand Puits au nord du temple (according to Clere MSS.), 16-03-1949, 26-03-1949 and 12-04-1949; marks: 16.3.49; 26.3.49; 12.4.49 (GP). Cairo fragment: see Remarks. |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Caire , 64 and 65, 85* (description and transcription of Cairo fragment); Janssen, Village Varia , 56-59 (translation, commentary); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 161 (transcription of Cairo fragment); IFAO and Varille fragments unpublished: Černý Notebooks 2.23 and 62.24 (transcription, including Cairo fragment) |
Dates mentioned: | - |
Dates attributed: | Dyn. 20 (Černý); Ramesses III (Janssen); Ramesses IV (Kitchen) |
Contents: | Items given by(?) various women for a drinking-party connected with the goddess Hathor. The items include loaves, jars (with beer?) and oil. Line 16 (large characters): "[...] of/for Pharaoh l.p.h."; perhaps no connection with the preceding lines. |
Terminology: | rdy.t NN (1? see Remarks) |
Names/Titles: | an. (Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; king; 16); Any-nxt (9); As.t (mw.t / Hm.t of Nb-nfr ? f.; ~1# - see Remarks); As.t (mw.t of [...]? f.; 5); Wab.t (mw.t of 2a ; f.; 9); Bs (f.; 10); Mw.t-m-Ip.t (f.; 11); Mna.t (f.; 14 = O. Cairo GC 25705, 3); Mr.w.t [...] (f.; 3 - see Remarks); Mr.w.t-Mw.t (mw.t of 6A-sk.t ; f.; 10); Mr=s-gr (f.; ~2#); 1w.t-1r (deity; f.; 1); 1ms.ti-Hr-a.wy=s (f.; 6); 1nw.t-wa.ti (mw.t of Ms ; f.; 12); 1nw.t-mtr (f.; 16); 1nw.t-Sn.w (mw.t of Niw.t-nxt.ti (f.); f.; 8); 1nw.t-Dw.w (mw.t of Kn-iA ( f.)? f.; 15); 1nr.y (mw.t of Ra-iA ; f.; 10); 1r (11); 4bA (13); 6A-aA.t-mr.w.t (f.; 11); 6A-wr.t-m-Hb (f.; 4); 6A-wr.t-hr.ti (f.; 11); 6A-pA-ip.w (f.; 12); 6A-mr.w.t (f.; 5); 6A-mk.t (f.; 14); 6A-nDm.t-xAb.t (f.; 7); 6A-Hnw.t (mw.t of Nb-nfr ; f.; 7); 6A-Hnw.t-tA-iwA (f.; 6); 6A-xy (f.; ~14# - see Remarks); 6A-kAmn.t (f.; ~13# = O. Cairo CG 25705, ~2#); 6wy (f.; 13); 8wA.y.t (mw.t of 2nsw [...]; f.; 13); 8wA.y.t-nfr.t (mw.t of 5ri.t-Ra ; f.; 12 = O. Cairo CG 25705, 1) Incomplete: 6A- [...] (f.; 13); [...] b.t (f.; 14? Janssen: 6A-oA-gAb.t ?) |
Remarks: | Keywords: did the mn -jars mentioned in the text contain beer (Janssen, Village Varia , 57, note c)? Description: line numbering in Černý Notebooks is followed here; line numbers of the published Cairo fragment are also indicated. Provenance: Cairo fragment " probably Valley of Kings, excavations Th. Davis" (Černý), but this cannot be correct since marks on IFAO fragment refer to "Grand Puits" at Deir el-Medina. The ostracon is not mentioned by Reeves, Valley of the Kings . Terminology/Names, Titles: curious writing of As.t (?) in line 1; hence rdy.t NN also uncertain. Names, Titles: Mr.w.t (3) complete? See Janssen, Village Varia , 58 (e). For 6A-xy (13) see ibid., 59 (v). |