O. Cairo CG 25715
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96169; O. Cairo SR 01319
Description: Yellow-red pottery, 17 x 9 cm. Black ink, one side, 7 lines, much effaced. Damaged; ends of all lines lost, only traces of line 7, unknown number of lines lost at bottom.
Classification: letter(?)
Keywords: cakes - fat - oil
Provenance: Probably Valley of Kings, Davis excavations; for site, cf. Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 292-321.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 67, 87*(description, transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Černý)
Contents: About the preparation of cakes by a person (Ist sg.) for various purposes. Lines 5 and 6 mention oil and fat.
Terminology: m mi.t.t (3, 4)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2005-01-25

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