O. Cairo CG 25813
Other nos.: O. Cairo JE 96250; O. Cairo SR 01414; O. Cairo Carnarvon 300 l
Description: Limestone, 12.5 x 7.5 cm. Black ink, one side, 5 lines, considerably effaced at places. Damaged; beginning and end of line 1 lost.
Classification: account
Keywords: lamp - storehouse
Provenance: Valley of Kings, beside entrance of KV 9 (Ramesses VI); Carnarvon/Carter excavations 1920-1921 (see Remarks); mark: 300 ll; see Reeves, Valley of the Kings , 328.
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Caire , 96, 116* (description, transcription, facsimile); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 59 (translation); Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant , 191 (translation); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 569 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: III Smw [...] (~2#)
Dates attributed: mid Dyn. 19 (Černý); Ramesses II (Kitchen); year 32 Ramesses II? (Helck)
Contents: Lamps taken from the storehouse and the amount of lamps used, as well as of those remaining, on a day in III Smw .
Terminology: mn (5); xbs Sdy m pA wDA (~1#-2); tp n ir.t hAw rdy m hrw pn (3-4)
Names/Titles: -
Remarks: Provenance: Černý has "1922"(sic).

Record last updated 2005-01-25

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