O. Cairo JE 72474
Other nos.: O. Cairo SR 01489; KVO 11
Description: Limestone, (a) two joining fragments 3.5 x 6 cm, and one fragment (b) which do not join 3 x 4 cm. Inscribed on two sides in black ink, obverse fragment (a) 2 lines, fragment (b) 2 lines, verso fragment (a) 2 lines, fragment b) 2 lines. Top obverse = top reverse. Damaged: end of obverse (a) 1 lost, middle and end of obverse (a) 2 lost, beginnings and ends of obverse (b) 1-2 lost, beginning of reverse (a) 1 lost, only a trace remains of reverse (a) 2, beginnings of reverse (b) 1-2 lost.
Classification: account : delivery
Keywords: firewood - side (of gang) - textile - vegetables(?)
Provenance: Valley of Kings , Davis excavation s
Publication: Abdel Samie, Hieratic Documents , 37-39 and 103, pl. XI (photographs, description, transcription, transliteration, translation, commentary)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 19 (Abdel Samie)
Contents: An account of firewood delivered to one side of the gang, and some deliveries(?) of textile and vegetables(?).
Terminology: Incomplete: r tA ri.t [...] (obv. (a) ~ 2 # )
Names/Titles: Kr (sS n tA [...]; obv. (a) 1)
Remarks: -

Record last updated 2011-07-05

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