O. DeM 00039 + O. DeM 00174
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00208 + 00255
Description: O. DeM 39: yellow-red pottery (vase fragment), 30 x 22 cms. Damaged (6 pieces). Two sides. The obverse contains 21 lines in black ink, parts of l. 17-18 are underlined. Reverse: 4 lines in black ink. Lines 5, 7, 19-21 of obverse have lost their endings, lines 4 and 8 the middle. Lines 3-4 of reverse have lost their beginnings. The lower part of O. DeM 39 has broken off and is known as O. DeM 174. It contains 8 heavily damaged lines in black ink, of which l. 1-2 consist of traces only. Correction by the scribe in obverse l. 12.
Classification: account - journal : delivery - duty - event - name
Keywords: beer - bread - dates - firewood - fish - king's death - pottery - side (of gang) - vegetables
Provenance: Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.); mark: 18.1.30 KS / 19.1.30 KS / 11.1.31 KS (O. DeM 39 (18-01-1930, 19-01-1930 and 11-01-1931)); 19.1.30 KS (O. DeM 174 (19-01-1930))
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh [I], 10 (description); pl. 20-21 (transcription) [O. DeM 00 039]; Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 18-19 (description), pl. 46 (transcription) [O. DeM 00 174]; Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 552-553 (transcription of O. DeM 00 039 + 00 174); Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 335, 351 (outline of content)
Dates mentioned: rnp.t-sp 32 III Smw sw 1-27 (39, obv. 1 - 174, obv. 7), III Smw sw 28-29 (39 rev. 1-3); II Smw sw 30 (39, obv. 3); II Smw sw 20 (39, obv. 4); sw 30 (39, obv. below 4)
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20, year 32 Ramesses III ( Černý, Kitchen, Helck ) ; also year 1 Ramesses IV (Helck)
Contents: Delivery of various commodities; duty roster; event: mention of the death of Ramesses III ( obv. 16)
Terminology: wnmy (obv. 4, 7, 13, rev. 2, 2, O. DeM 174, obv. 3); m Dr.t pA od (obv. ~4#, m Dr.t NN (obv. 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 14, 14, 18, 19, rev. ~4#); n Abd ? (obv. 4); smHy (obv. 4, 8, rev. 3); dmD (obv. 4)
Names/Titles: an. (pA od ; obv. 4); Any-nxt ( obv. 17); Ii-r-niw.t=f ( obv. 16); Imn-Htp ( obv. 19); Imn-Htp (Sad-xt ; obv. 15); Ir.y-aA ( obv. 13); Wsr-HA.t ( obv. 11); BAk-2nsw ( obv. 11; written BAki-2nsw ); Pn-ano.t ( obv. ~5#, O. DeM 174, obv. ~4#); PtH-ms ( obv. 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, rev. ~4#); Mnw-xa ( obv. 12); MH.y ( obv. 14); Ms ( obv. 9, rev. 3); Nfr-Hr ( obv. 17); Nfr-Htp ( obv. 5, O. DeM 174, obv. ~3#); Nxw-m-Mw.t ( obv. 19); Nxt-Mnw ( obv. 7, O. DeM 174, obv. ~6#); Ns-Imn ( obv. 2, 18); Ra-mry ( obv. ~8#, rev. 1); RSw-ptr=f ( obv. 8, O. DeM 174, obv. 7); 1r-Sri ( obv. 14); 1r ( obv. 10, rev. ~4#); 2a-m-WAs.t ( obv. 6, O. DeM 174, obv. ~5#); 2a-m-Nwn ( obv. 5, 20)
Remarks: According to Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh I, p. 10 n. 1, O. DeM 038 and 039 both come from the same vase, but were written after the vase was broken. O. DeM 0 0032 - O. DeM 0 0047 were all written by the same scribe; see Donker van Heel, Haring, Writing in a Workmen's Village , 72-82.

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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