O. DeM 00149
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00715
Description: Grey pottery, 14 x 12.5 cm. Black ink, one side, 11 lines (lines 8-11 in separate column to the left of 4-6). Complete.
Classification: account : portion
Keywords: grain - grain rations - granary
Provenance: found among huts on mountain pass between Deir el-Medina and Valley of Kings in april 1935 (04-1935); mark: 8.4.35 V. des Rois. U; see Remarks
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 10, pls. 23 and 23A (description, transcription, photograph); Eichler, SAK 17 (1990), 157 and 158 (transliteration, translation, commentary lines 4-9); Helck, Materialien IV, (600) (translation lines 1-3); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 600 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Dyn. 20 (Černý); Ramesses III (Kitchen)
Contents: Account of the finding of 120 sacks of barley in the granary by the deputy of the royal granary Mry-PtH , and its distribution among the Necropolis workforce.
Terminology: in NN (2); ir n (4, 5, 6); wa nb (5, 6); nA it gmy m pA mXr in NN (1); dmD (11)
Names/Titles: an. (nA in-mw ; 8); an. (nA aA ; 7); an. (Hwty.w 3; 4); an. (pA swn.w ; 7); an. (pA ...(?); 7 - perhaps pA sAw ? see Remarks); Pn-6A-wr.t (sS ; 3); Mry-PtH (idn.w n tA Snw.t n Pr-aA anx wDA snb ; 2); 4tX-ms (sS ; 3)
Remarks: Provenance: mark refers to west group, hut U; see Bruyere, Rapport sur les fouilles de Deir El Medineh 1934-1935 III, fasc. II, 362, pl. XXXV: U (O). Contents:cf. O. DeM 0 0 178. Names, Titles: read pA sAw in line 7? First sign may be Moeller's no. 47 ( G. Moeller, Hieratische Palaeographie. Die aegyptische Buchschrift in ihrer Entwicklung von der fuenften Dynastie bis zur roemischen Kaiserzeit II, Leipzig 1927 ); following sign unclear.

Record last updated 2013-11-07

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