O. DeM 00160 + O. Strasbourg H. 005 | |
Other nos.: | O. Berlin P 12642 + O. IFAO 00237 |
Description: | Yellow pottery vase fragment. DeM 0160 13 x 20 cm, in 3 pieces (middle piece is Berlin P 12642). Strasbourg H. 005 10.5 x 7 cm, fits DeM fragment in upper left corner of obverse. Black ink, obverse 2 columns, column I remains of 2 lines, column II 9 lines, reverse 10 lines (including lines numbered 4a and 5a), top obverse = top reverse. Obverse palimpsest. New text started in the middle of rev. 2 and 3 (as visible on photograph of Strasbourg fragment). Damaged, only end of one line of obv. I and trace of another, beginnings of obv. II 9, rev. 4-8 lost, ends of obv. II 3, 4, 7, 8 and rev. 6-8 lost, lacuna in rev. 4a and 6, unknown number of lines lost at bottom of obverse and reverse. |
Classification: | account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - name |
Keywords: | beer - bread - dates - firewood - lamp - pottery - side (of gang) - vegetables |
Provenance: | DeM 0160: Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.), 17-01-1930 and 18-01-1930; marks: 17.1.30 KS and 18.1.30. |
Publication: | Müller, LingAeg 7 (2000), 275 (transcription, corrections; see Remarks); Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 14, pl. 36 (description and transcription of DeM 0 0 160); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions VI, 119 (transcription of DeM 0 0 160); Koenig, Ostraca Strasbourg , 3, pls. 1 and 100 (description, facsimile, transcription and photograph of Strasbourg H. 005); see Remarks |
Dates mentioned: | [...] Smw sw 1 (obv. I ~1#); sw 22-30 (obv. II 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7, ~8#); II Smw sw 2-11 (rev. 1, 2, 3, 3, [4], 4, [5], [6], 6, ~6#); II Ax.t sw 2 (rev. 2; see Remarks); III Ax.t (rev. 3; see Remarks); III Ax.t sw 15 (rev. 4a) |
Dates attributed: | first half Dyn. 20 (Černý); year 2 Ramesses IV? (Kitchen); year 1 Ramesses IV (Helck; see Remarks) |
Contents: | Guard duties; deliveries of beer, dates, bread, vegetables, wood, pottery. |
Terminology: | iw mH (rev. 5a); in (obv. 1?); ir n (rev. 2); ? n a m di ? n a (rev. 2); wnmy (obv. 2, rev. 1, 5); wDA.t (obv. II ~9#); m Dr.t NN (obv. II 8, rev. 4a, ~8#); smHy (obv. II 4, rev. 4, 7) |
Names/Titles: | an. (pA od ; rev. 5a); Any-nxt (obv. II 6); Imn-m-Ip.t (obv. II ~7#); Imn-Htp (obv. ~3#); Wsr-HA.t (rev. 6); BAk-n-Imn (obv. II 5); BAk-n-2nsw (obv. II 4); PA-mdw-nxt (rev. 6); Pn-ano.t (rev. 3); MAA.n=i-nxt=f (obv. II ~3#); Ms (rev. [6]); Nfr-Hr (obv. II 7); Nfr-Htp (rev. 2); Nxt-Mnw (rev. ~4#); Ns-Imn (obv. II ~8#); Ra-mry (rev. ~5#); RSw-ptr=f (rev. 4); 1y-nfr (rev. 4a); 1r (rev. 1); 2a-m-WAs.t (rev. 3); Ks (obv. II ~1#); 6A (obv. II 2) Incomplete: pA [...] (obv. II 8 - or PA- [...]) |
Remarks: | Publication: Müller's transcription joins O. DeM 00160 and O. Strasbourg H. 005, improving Koenig's transcription of the latter. See also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 364. Date(s) mentioned: in rev. 2 and 3 II Ax.t and III Ax.t are written over the signs of the earlier text (in rev. 3 over ds with jar-determinative). Date(s) attributed: the sequence of names after the dates reflects the duty-roster of I and II Smw in regnal year 1 of Ramesses IV; see also Helck, ZDMG 105 (1955), 38. |