O. DeM 00175 | |
Other nos.: | O. IFAO 00189 |
Description: | Two yellow pottery vase fragments, (a) 11.5 x 10 cm, (b) 9 x 8.5 cm, fragments do not join. Obverse 8 lines, reverse 5 lines on fragment (b) only, top obverse = top reverse, red ink except for rev. 1 and 2, beginning of obv. 5, part of addition over obv. 4, which are black. Damaged, lacunae of unknown length in obv. 1-6, beginnings of obv. 1-7 and ends of obv. 4 and 6 lost, only a small part of obv. 7, beginnings of rev. 1 and 2, and traces of obv. 8 and rev. 5 preserved. |
Classification: | account - journal : deficit - delivery - duty - event - name |
Keywords: | beer - bread - dates - firewood - gang - pottery - side (of gang) - vegetables - vessel |
Provenance: | Deir el-Medina, Kom de decombres au sud du village (according to Clere MSS.), 02-01-1930; mark: KS 2.1.30 |
Publication: | Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 19, pl. 47 (description, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions V, 538 and 539 (transcription); see Remarks |
Dates mentioned: | sw 13 (obv. 2); sw 15 (obv. ~3#); IV pr.t sw 17 (obv. 5); IV [...] (obv. 7); I Smw sw 10 + x (rev. 3) |
Dates attributed: | first half Dyn. 20 (Černý); year 30 Ramesses III (Helck, Kitchen) |
Contents: | Guard duties; deliveries of wood, vegetables, beer, dates, bread, pottery (? Tbw obv. 7); deficit (of wood? over obv. 4). Obscure references to events in obv. 4, 5, 6, rev. 4. |
Terminology: | iw m Dr.t NN (obv. 3); wnmy (obv. ~4#); wHm r a (rev. 4? see Remarks); wDA.t (over obv. 4); m Dr.t NN (obv. ~1#, ~2#, [4]) |
Names/Titles: | an. (in-mw ; obv. 6); Ir.y-aA (obv. 4); Wsr-mAa.t-Ra-nxt (obv. 3); BAk-n-2nsw (obv. ~4#); Pn-Mn-nfr (obv. ~4#); Nb-smn (obv. ~3#); Nfr-Hr (obv. 5); Ra-mry (rev. 4) Incomplete: Imn-m -[...] (obv. 6) |
Remarks: | Publication: see also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 320 and 321. Terminology: first sign (D 57) transcribed in rev. 4 (Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 19) is perhaps erroneous for, or is actually, wHm (F 25)? |