O. DeM 00179
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00333
Description: Yellow pottery vase fragment, 7 x 9. Black ink, obverse 6 lines, reverse 6 lines, rev. 1 and first half of rev. 2 cancelled by scribe by means of horizontal strokes, lines on obverse at right angles to lines on reverse. Corrections by scribe in rev. 2, 3, 4 and 6. Damaged, ends of rev. 1-6 lost, only traces of obv. 6, unknown number of lines lost at bottom.
Classification: account : portion
Keywords: grain rations - servant - side (of gang)
Provenance: no indication
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir El Medineh II, 20, pl. 49 (description, transcription); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions IV, 166 (transcription); see Remarks
Dates mentioned: III Ax.t (obv. 1); IV Ax.t (obv. 4, rev. 6)
Dates attributed: second half Dyn. 20 (Černý - see Remarks); Dyn. 19, Merenptah (Helck, Kitchen)
Contents: Distribution of emmer arrears of III Ax.t , and grain rations of IV Ax.t , to the Necropolis workforce by the scribes Inpw-m-Hb and Pn-6A-wr.t .
Terminology: in NN (obv. 1); ir n (obv. 2, 2, rev. 2, 5); idn [...] (rev. 1); idn Abd ? m bty in NN (obv. 1) ; m Dr.t NN (obv. 4, rev. 1); wa nb (obv. 2, rev. 5); rdy.t r di.w n Abd ? (obv. 4); Hr wnmy (obv. 4); smHy (rev. 1); dmD (obv. 3); dmD bty n Abd ? (rev. 6) Incomplete: rdy.t n s [...] (rev. 2)
Names/Titles: an. (pA aA n is.t ; rev. 3); an. (Hm.w.t ; obv. 3); an. (xAr.t ; rev. 4? see Remarks) an. (sS ; obv. 5, rev. 4); Inpw-m-Hb (sS ; obv. 1, ~4#); Pn-6A-wr.t (sS ; rev. 1: 6A-wr.t - sic); Pn-6A-wr.t (obv. 1); Nfr-Htp (aA n is.t ; obv. 5)
Remarks: Publication: see also Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka , 91. Date(s) attributed: Černý's "second half Dyn. 20" probably mistaken; dating actually Dyn. 19 (cf. Kitchen; see also Janssen, Village Varia , 16, note 13). Names, Titles: xAr.t "widow" (rev. 4?); cf. O. DeM 0 0 141, 2.

Record last updated 2024-07-09

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