O. DeM 00230
Other nos.: O. IFAO 00305
Description: Limestone, 16.5 x 15 cms. Damaged. One side, with 9 lines in black ink, except some signs above l. 2-5 and to the right of line 7, which are in red ink. All lines have lost the end, except the last. Probably more lines missing from top of ostracon. Lines 4-9 crossed out by the scribe.
Classification: account - list : portion
Keywords: beer - bread - feast - honey - illness - junior - menstruation (see Remarks) - oil - servant (?) - vegetables - work - srm.t
Provenance: Mark: E 268 7.1.32 (07-01-1932) (286 = tombe 268 (cour, puits et quatre chapelles), acc. to Clere MSS. / E = prob. Est)
Publication: Černý, Ostraca Deir el Medineh III, 10 (description), pl. 18 (transcription); Helck, Materialien IV, (662) (translation of 5-9); Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions III, 559 (transcription)
Dates mentioned: -
Dates attributed: Černý: dyn. 19; Kitchen: dyn. 19 (Ramesses II)
Contents: Mentioning of various foodstuffs and drink in connection with special occasions, e.g. a feast for 6A-wr.t .
Terminology: wHm (~6#); mn (in red; above 3, above 4, above 5, 6, 7)
Names/Titles: an. (bAk.w n pAy=i Sms.w (?); obv. 2); As.t (deity; 7); ano.t (deity; 8); Nfr.w (f.; 3); 6A-wr.t (deity; 5, 6); Incomplete: PtH-nfr-[...] (8) or PtH nfr (?) [...] ( deity; 8)
Remarks: Content: for Hsmn "menstruation" in line 3, see Janssen, SAK 8 (1980), 141, note 63; Frandsen, JNES 66 (2007), 95.

Record last updated 2013-07-05

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